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Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah swt, Tuhan semesta Alam, berkat rahmat, hidayah serta inayah-Nya penulis dapat menyelesaikan Modul Bahasa Inggris Program Kesetaraan Kejar Paket C ini dengan lancar. Modul ini disusun sebagai alat bantu tutor/pengajar, peserta didik/diklat sekaligus bagi para pelaku pendidikan di program Kesetaraan kelompok belajar (Kejar).
Penulisan modul ini didasari pada kebutuhan pelaku pendidikan akan kurangnya media pembelajaran dalam bentuk modul atau materi-materi yang terstruktur sesuai dengan kurikulum. Banyak terdapat peserta didik di program Kesetaraan Kejar paket C yang tidak mampu mengikuti pembelajaran secara menyeluruh, baik di dalam kelas (tatap muka) ataupun tutorial dengan mengesampingkan pekerjaan mereka.
Oleh karena itu, dengan adanya Modul Bahasa Inggris Program Kesetaraan Kejar Paket C ini, akan memberikan kesempatan kepada peserta didik untuk belajar secara mandiri (self-learning), sekaligus mereka juga mampu merencanakan sendiri waktu untuk pembelajaran secara tatap muka serta tutorial. Hal ini membuat peserta didik tetap bisa belajar sendiri di rumah maupun di kantor atau tempat mereka bekerja.
Penulis menyadari bahwa penulisan Modul Bahasa Inggris Program Kesetaraan Kejar Paket C ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna, hujan kritik, saran ataupun masukan kepada penulis akan memberikan semangat agar mampu meningkatkan kualitas penulisan modul/media pembelajaran di masa yang akan datang.
Akhir kata, penulis ucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dan memberikan kesempatan kepada penulis untuk menyelesaikan Modul Bahasa Inggris Program Kesetaraan Kejar Paket C ini. Besar harapan kami agar modul ini dapat bermanfaat dan menjadi salah satu sumber belajar bagi pemimpin-pemimpin besar di negeri ini kelak, amiin.

Ungaran, Juni 2013

HALAMAN JUDUL .........................................................................................................................         1
KATA PENGANTAR .................................................................................................................................... 2
DAFTAR ISI ....................................................................................................................................... ........... 3
GLOSARIUM ..................................................................................................................................... ........... 4       
PENDAHULUAN .............................................................................................................................. ........... 5
BAB I : IKLAN, PENGUMUMAN DAN SURAT ............................................................................... 7
A.    Advertisement.......................................................................................................................... 7
B.     Announcement ...................................................................................................................... 10
C.    Letter/e-mail ........................................................................................................................... 13
D.    Tes Formatif 1 ........................................................................................................................ 17
BAB II : BAGAIMANA PENDAPATMU? ........................................................................................... 20
A.   News Item .............................................................................................................................. 20
B.   Exposition................................................................................................................................ 25
C.  Discussion .............................................................................................................................. 30
D.  Tes Formatif 2 ..................................................................................................................... 33
BAB III : SUATU HARI .................................................................................................................. ........ 36
A.   Recount ................................................................................................................................... 36
B.   Narrative ................................................................................................................................. 40
C.  Tes Formatif 3 ..................................................................................................................... 44       
BAB IV : SEPERTI APA SIH? ............................................................................................................... 46
A.   Descriptive ............................................................................................................................ 46
B.   Report .................................................................... ................................................................ 49       
C.  Review ..................................................................................................................................... 52
D.  Tes Formatif 4 ..................................................................................................................... 55
KUNCI JAWABAN ..................................................................................................................................... 58
DAFTAR PUSTAKA .................................................................................................................................. 59
Aplicant        : pelamar
Friendly        : akrab/ramah
Unnecessary  : tidak perlu
Non-surgical : tanpa operasi
Interfere       : mengganggu
Effort           : usaha/upaya
Unfortunately : sayangnya/malangnya
Frightful        : menakutkan
Funeral         : pemakaman
Merrier         : lebih menyenangkan
Uncovered    : membuka
Secrecy         : kerahasiaan
Worst           : terburuk/paling buruk
Worth           : berharga/bernilai
Explosion      : Ledakan
Country        : pedesaan
Lung             : paru-paru
Exhale           : mengeluarkan udara
Breathe         : bernafas
Due to                   : karena
Gene            : genetika
Splicing         : penyambungan
Enhance        : meningkatkan
Craftmanship : keterampilan
Fluffy           : halus
Fur               : bulu
Cuddle         : membelai
Awkward      : janggal
Catastrophe  : bencana
Float            : mengapung
Bank            : tepi sungai 

Petunjuk Pembelajaran
Dalam mempelajari modul ini, kamu semua diharapkan memperhatikan petunjuk di bawah ini:
1.  Jika kamu ingin berhasil dalam mempelajari modul ini, dibutuhkan ketekunan dalam mempelajari langkah-langkah belajarnya.
2. Belajar menggunakan modul ini, kamu bisa belajar mandiri atau berkelompok.
3. Naah, langkah-langkah pembelajarannya seperti ini:
a.  Usahakan memiliki modul ini atau bisa pinjam di perpustakaan.
b.  Baca dan pahami dulu kompetensi dasar yang terdapat di halaman pertama tiap-tiap bab.
c.  Jika ada kesulitan mempelajari modul ini, diskusikan dengan teman-temanmu atau tanyakan pada tutor saat tatap muka.
d.  Setelah kamu memahami materi tersebut, kerjakan tugas-tugas/soal-soal yang ada di bagian terakhir setiap bab dengan bersungguh-sungguh.
4. Jika ingin berhasil dan sukses mempelajari materi-materi dalam modul ini, kerjakanlah urutan atau langkah-langkah di atas dengan baik.

B.      Evaluasi dan Penilaian
Sebagai evaluasi dan tolok ukur pemahaman kamu terhadap materi di dalam modul ini, jawablah soal-soal dalam lembar latihan, kemudian cocokkan jawabanmu dengan kunci jawaban di bagian akhir modul ini. Jika nilaimu sudah mencapai 80, maka kamu bisa melanjutkan ke materi berikutnya. Namun, jika nilaimu masih di bawah 80, maka mengulang kembali materi tersebut adalah hal yang paling baik untuk kamu lakukan.
Cara menghitung nilaimu:

Arti pencapaian nilai yang kamu peroleh adalah seperti ini:
90 – 100      = baik sekali
80 – 89        = baik
70 – 79        = cukup
0 – 69         = kurang
Selamat belajar, semoga sukses ya!

Iklan, Pengumuman dan Surat

Kompetensi Dasar
1.     Menentukan gambaran umum/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa atau rujukan kata dari teks fungsional berbentuk advertisement.
2.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa dari teks fungsional berbentuk announcement.
3.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa dari teks fungsional berbentuk e-mail/ letter.
Standar Kompetensi
Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna-makna di dalam teks tertulis seperti teks fungsional pendek (iklan, pengumuman dan surat).

Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari bab ini, kamu dapat mengetahui informasi-informasi yang terdapat di dalam iklan, pengumuman dan surat.



Dalam Encarta Dictionary, advertisement diartikan sebagai “public announcement: a public announcement in a newspaper or on the radio, television, or internet advertising something such as a product for sale or an event.”
Tujuan penulisan teks ini adalah untuk mempublikasikan (to advertise) barang/jasa atau mempengaruhi pembaca untuk menggunakan/ membeli produk atau jasa.
Berikut adalah beberapa contoh teks iklan (advertisement):
Wanted for big restaurant. Applicants must be Friendly and able to speak English.
Age 16-20, Experience unnecessary.
Excellent pay.
All applications must reach to our office no later than two weeks. Apply in writing to:
Jl. Gajah Mada 108, Denpasar

Kalau yang ini contoh teks iklan dalam bahasa Indonesia:


1.     Advertisement text adalah sebuah teks fungsional pendek yang sangat sering muncul di media massa, dari televisi, radio, internet, di pinggir jalan, koran, majalah, dll.
2.    Tujuan penulisan teks ini adalah untuk mempublikasikan kualitas produk, pelayanan, bisnis atau event dengan harapan mendorong orang lain membeli atau menggunakannya.
3.    Biasanya menggunakan simple present tense, dengan kalimat yang singkat, padat namun jelas.

TUGAS (Assignment)
Aptos non-surgical Facelift The latest non-surgical mini face-lift, neck-lift and brow-lift procedure from USA at half the cost. The effects of this one hour procedure last 3-7 years. Allow 5 days to include after care.
For men and women
Perhatikan teks di bawah ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya dengan benar!

1.     How long is the procedure?
a.    One hour
b.    Five days
c.    Three years
d.    Seven years
e.    Half a day
2.    What is the purpose of the text?
a.    Describing a special clinic
b.    Describing how the servise conducted
c.    Advertising special treatment in the clinic
d.    Telling how to to the clinic
e.    Telling the way to get face-lift


Teks ini adalah salah satu teks fungsional pendek yang difungsikan sebagai pemberitahuan tentang suatu hal kepada orang lain. Teks pengumuman (announcement) memiliki banyak model, tergantung fungsi atau tujuan, serta dari siapa dan kepada siapa teks ini ditujukan.
Berbagai macam informasi dapat diletakkan dalam teks ini, namun biasanya didasarkan pada sebuah topik pemberitahuan utama. Susunan atau bagian-bagian yang sering ditulis di dalam teks pengumuman terdiri dari; kepada siapa pengumuman diberikan, isi pengumuman dan siapa pembuat pengumuman tersebut.
Di bawah ini adalah contoh teks pengumuman di dalam sebuah pesawat terbang:
Good morning and welcome aboard Garuda Indonesia flight 707 from Jakarta to Los Angeles, with intermediate stops in Honolulu, Hawaii. We are prepairing to depart in a few minutes. At this time, your seat back should be return to its full upright position and your seatbelt should be fastened. Turn off your cellular phone. If not, it will interfere the flight communication with the control tower. Our anticipated flying time to Honolulu is ten hours and twenty minutes. We hope you enjoy the flight. Thank you.
Garuda Indonesia

Selain contoh teks pengumuman di atas, berikut di bawah ini teks pengumuman yang lebih “gaul”:
1.     Announcement text adalah sebuah teks fungsional pendek yang sering kita jumpai di beberapa tempat, seperti sekolah, bandara, televisi, internet, di pinggir jalan, koran, dll.
2.    Tujuan penulisan teks pengumuman ini adalah untuk memberitahukan (to announce) sesuatu kepada orang lain.
3.    Biasanya menggunakan simple present tense dan present future tense, dengan kalimat yang ditulis secara singkat serta jelas.

TUGAS (Assignment)
As a part of continuing efforts to improve the school quality, SMA Harapan Bangsa Ungaran Semarang will hold an interschool chess tournament entitled “The 11th Interschool Chess Tournament” on
Day/date    : Sunday, June 30th, 2013
Place          : SMA Harapan Bangsa Ungaran
Room         : invention hall
Participant  : all SMA’s students
Two best players of the chess tournament will go to Bali for a week.

Coordinator of the tournament
Eddy Basgoro
Perhatikan teks di bawah ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya dengan benar!

1.     The purpose of writing the text is to ask the students ... themselves to be the school chess players.
a.    To enroll
b.    To inform
c.    To train
d.    To join
e.    To play
2.    Why does the school hold the 11th Interschool Chess Tournament?
a.    To face the coming chess tournament in the school
b.    To participate in the chess tournament in Bali
c.    To create national chess players
d.    To retain the chess champion title
e.    To be the chess national team

3.    The text shows that Mr. Edy Basgoro, M.A. is the ... of the tournament.
a.    Player
b.    Teacher
c.    Principal
d.    Coordinator
e.    Owner


Surat adalah satu dari beberapa teks yang memiliki berbagai macam tujuan. Teks ini memiliki dua macam bentuk, yaitu surat formal/resmi; seperti surat dinas, surat lamaran pekerjaan, dll. Kedua yaitu surat informal/tidak resmi; contohnya. Surat elektronik (e-mail), surat dari teman, surat cinta, dll.
Tidak hanya bentuk atau cara penulisan yang didasarkan pada keadaan penulis saja, bahkan keunikan lain yang dimiliki surat informal/tidak resmi, yaitu pembaca juga harus memiliki keterampilan khusus untuk membaca, sebagai contoh surat/pesan dalam e-mail yang ditulis menggunakan singkatan-singkatan atau bahasa gaul khas anak muda.

Berikut di bawah ini adalah contoh teks letter:
Jalan Slamet Riyadi no. 46
Dear Noviana
Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party next Saturday. Unfortunately I will not be able to come to the party because I must go to my grandpa’s house in Malang. One of my aunts is getting married. Please accept my best wishes to you for the happy day. I wish I could be on your birthday party, but it’s impossible. I look forward to seeing the birthday photos on my return from Malang. Okay, see you then.                                                                  

Dan di bawah ini adalah contoh teks e-mail:

1.     Teks letter adalah sarana komunikasi tertulis yang biasanya dikirim lewat pos, kurir atau layanan internet.
2.    Tujuan penulisan teks ini tergantung pada apa yang hendak disampaiakan penulis kepada orang yang dikirim.
3.    Penggunaan tense juga tidak diatur secara langsung, namun tetap memakai kaidah tata bahasa yang berlaku (grammatical pattern).

TUGAS (Assignment)

Palembang, 21st November 2013

Dear Aldi,
How are you? I miss you. It has been a year since you moved to Medan. You know, I have a new hobby, going to the cinema. Whenever I have spare time, I go. I have already watched twenty films. I watch all kinds of films-drama, horror and crime.
One night, after a movie, I left the cinema hurriedly. My watch showed 11:30 p.m. as I got to my bicycle. I pedalled hard and sped home. My thoughts returned to one of the scenes that I had just seen. It was a very scary movie. I could clearly remember a woman screaming, as she was being attacked by a monster. That frightful scene stayed on my mind.
I think that’s all for now. Write to me soon, okay?


Perhatikan teks di bawah ini kemudian jawablah pertanyaannya dengan benar!

1.     Why did Anton pedal hard from the cinema?
a.    He remembered a scary scene he jaust saw
b.    He wanted to arrive home quickly
c.    His watch showed 11:30 p.m.
d.    He saw a woman attacked by a monster
e.    His friend had moved to Medan
2.    What is the main idea of paragraph one?
a.    The writer likes to go to cinema
b.    The writer’s friend had gone too long
c.    The writer moved to Medan
d.    The writer missed his friend
e.    The writer has a new hobby
3.    The text tells us about ...
a.    The writer’s new hobby
b.    The writer’s new bicycle
c.    Going to the cinema
d.    Frightening scene
e.    Scary movie

1.    What is the advertisement about?
a.    A tablet PC
b.    A laptop computer
c.    The Jakarta Techno Expo
d.    A new brand laptop computer
e.    20 free games
2.   Which statement is NOT TRUE?
a.    ETERNAL TVTab is a 7inc tablet PC with capacitive touchscreen display
b.    ETERNAL TVTab is equipped with 5 megapixels camera and analog TV
c.    ETERNAL TVTab is equipped with 2GHz processor and 23GB internal memory
d.    We can buy ETERNAL TVTab during the Jakarta Techno Expo
e.    We can get more than 20 free games
3.   “... you can purchase this excellent tab ...” (par. 3)
The underline word is similar to ...
a.    Sell
b.    See
c.    Play
d.    Pay
e.    Buy

4.   How old was Mr. Ramli on his death?
a.    Fifty years old
b.    Fifty-three years old
c.    Sixty years old
d.    Sixty-three years old
e.    Sixteen years old
5.   Why did he pass away?
a.    He had an accident
b.    He suffered from cancer
c.    He had a heart attack
d.    He had a stroke
e.    He is left by his family
6.   As neighbours, what should we do?
a.    Announcing the party
Do you still use a laptop computer?

ETERNAL TVTab is your best choice.
This 7inch tablet PC with capacitive touchscreen display is operated under Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich and equipped with 2GHz processor and 32GB internal memory. It also has FM radio, music and video players, 5 megapixels camera and analog TV.
In addition, you will get more than 20 games, FREE!

Hurry up! During the Jakarta Techno Expo, you can purchase this excellent tab Rp 1,700,000 only. Sell your laptop computer and buy ETERNAL TVTab. You will never regret it!

Attention, please. Mr. Ramli (63), our neighbour, passed away last night at ten p.m. due to lung cancer. He had been treated at the public hospital for a few weeks. The funeral will be held at 1 p.m. this afternoon. Let’s show our sympathy to his family and comfort them. We can help them. Thank you.

b.    Comforting ourselves
c.    Taking him to the hospital
d.    Calling the ambulance
e.    Helping and supporting his family

7.   What is the relationship between Woko and Joanne?
a.    They are brother and sister
b.    They are old friends
c.    They are classmates
d.    They are cousins
e.    They are trainer and pupil
8.   “My friends supported my team
Enthusiastically and we’re paid them with a gold medal.” (par. 2)
The word ‘them’ refers to ...
a.    Woko’s team
b.    Joanne and Woko
c.    Woko’s friends
d.    Joanne and Woko’s basketball team
e.    Joanne’s old friend

9.   What is the e-mail about?
a. An invitation to meet next Sunday
b. An invitation to share ideas
c. An idea about an event
d. A reminder about an event
e. A decision of topic
10. what are Saraswati and her friends going to do next Monday?
a.    They are going to decide the topic of the event
b.    They are going to share their ideas

28th June 2013

Dear Joanne,
How are you, Joanne? It has been a long time since we last met, at the basketball competition. I hope everything is fine with you. I remember the good old days when we were still at junior high school. We supported our basketball team although it finally lost in the semifinal. That didn’t sadden us because we knew that our team had done their best.
You know, Joanne, I’m a basketball player at my school. My team just won the interschool basketball championship yesterday. My friends supported my team enthusiastically and we’re paid them with a gold medal. If you were there yesterday, my day would have been merrier.
Well, that’s the news for now. I hope to hear from you soon.

From : saraswati<>
To       :

Dear all.
I would like to remind you all about the Sunday gathering in two weeks. I don’t have any suggestions yet for the topic to be discussed. So, please share your ideas with this forum, so everyone can comment. We will decide on the topic next Monday. Hurry up guys! We’re running out of time.


c.    They are going to hold the gathering
d.    They are going to plan a gathering
e.    They are going to remind a topic


Bagaimana Pendapatmu?

Kompetensi Dasar
1.     Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa atau rujukan kata dari teks berbentuk News Item.
2.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa atau tujuan komunikatif dari teks berbentuk Exposition.
3.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa dari teks berbentuk Discussion.
4.    Menentukan kosa kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi esai berbentuk News item.
Standar Kompetensi
Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna-makna di dalam esai berbentuk News Item, Exposition dan Discussion dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Writing (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan dan merespon makna dalam esai sederhana berbentuk News item secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari bab ini, kamu diharapkan dapat memahami dan mengidentifikasi teks-teks tersebut.


Teks yang berisi peristiwa atau kejadian yang pantas diketahui publik. Dalam penulisannya, teks ini memuat berita yang biasanya sedang menjadi headline di media massa, memiliki kemiripan dengan teks recount, tetapi penulisannya berbeda.
Bagian-bagian awal penulisan teks news item yang kamu perhatikan adalah di bawah ini:
1.   Tempat kejadian perkara atau peristiwa
2.  Nama media pelapor
3.  Informasi peristiwa
Teks ini memiliki tujuan (communicative purpose) untuk menceritakan (to tell) kepada publik tentang suatu peristiwa penting. Tense-nya menggunakan simple past karena peristiwanya sudah terjadi. TETAPI selain kamu memperhatikan bagian-bagian awal penulisan teks ini. Kamu kudu perhatikan susunan teks (generic structure-nya) juga.
Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks news item:
1.   Newsworthy event  : kejadian inti/penting
2.  Background events  : latar belakang kejadian, orang yang terlibat,
                               tempat dan waktu kejadian, mengapa bisa
                               terjadi, dll.
3.  Sources                  : pendapat/komentar dari orang-orang/saksi
Sekarang, coba kamu semua perhatikan contohnya di bawah ini:
Contaminated Town
Newsworthy Event
Moscow – A Russian journalist has uncovered evidence of another Soviet nuclear catastrophe, which killed 10 sailors and contaminated an entire town.

Background Event
Yelena Vazrshavskya is the first journalist to speak to people who witnessed the explosion of a nuclear submarine at the naval base of shkotovo – 22 near Vladivostoc.
The accident, which occured 13 months before the Chernobyl disaster, spread radioactive fall-out over the base and nearby town, but was covered up by officials of the Soviet Union. Residents were told that the explosion in the reactor of the Victor-class submarine during a refit had been a ‘thermal’ and not a nuclear explosion. And those involved in the clean up operation to remove more than 600 tonnes of contaminated material were sworn to secrecy.

A board of investigators was later to describe it as the worst accident in the history of the Soviet Navy


1.     News item text adalah sebuah teks esai yang hanya menceritakan berita-berita penting saja, bukan berita “basi”
2.    Bagian awal penulisan teks ini adalah; tempat kejadian peristiwa, nama jurnalis/media pelapor, lalu peristiwa/kejadiannya.
3.    Menggunakan simple past tense
4.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: kejadian inti/penting, latar belakang/setting kejadian dan pendapat/komentar orang lain.

TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     The synonym of catastrophe is ...
a.    Damage
b.    Rubbish
c.    Household
d.    Calamity
e.    Leak
2.    How many people died in the accident?
a.    8 (eight)
b.    10 (ten)
c.    13 (thirteen)
d.    22 (twenty-two)
e.    600 (six hundred)
3.    This text is ...
a.    Explanation
b.    News item
c.    Descriptive
d.    Narrative
e.    Spoof
4.    The communicative purpose of this text is ...
a.    To tell the important event
b.    To entertain
c.    To describe
d.    To explain
e.    To inform
5.    The generic structure of the text is ...
a.    source, newsworthy event, background
b.    source, background, newsworthy event
c.    newsworthy event, background, source
d.    newsworthy event, source, background
e.    background, newsworthy event, source
Malaysia: A top Malaysian government official Monday dismissed opposition claims of fraud in a weekend by election (6) .... by the ruling coalition.
Anwar Ibrahim, an outspoken former deputy prime minister trying to (7) .... political comeback, alleged intimidation and fraud in Sunday’s vote, which was a litmus test ahead of national poll next year. But current deputy prime minister, Najib Razak (8) .... the claims and said the vote for the state legislative seat in ijok in central Selangor state won by the ruling National front coalition (9) .... fair.
“Democracy is very much alive under prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s leadership,” Najib (10) ... reporters. -AFP
Perhatikan teks berikut kemudian tentukan kosa kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks news item di bawah ini!

a.    Won
b.    Win
c.    Wins
d.    Winner
e.    Winning
a.    Made
b.    Make
c.    Makes
d.    Maker
e.    Making
a.    Had rejected
b.    Rejecting
c.    Rejected
d.    Reject
e.    Rejects
a.    Was
b.    Have been
c.    Has been
d.    Had been
e.    Were
a.    Tell
b.    Tells
c.    Teller
d.    Telling
e.    Told

Penyampaian opini atau pendapat tentang suatu topik/ permasalahan adalah tujuan dari penulisan teks ini. Namun sebelum jauh menjelaskan “ini-itu” coba perhatikan dulu yang berikut ini.
Exposition text memiliki 2 (dua) jenis atau bentuk, mereka “saudara kembar” tapi tidak identik, artinya ada perbedaan di antara keduanya, pelajari dengan seksama ya!
1.   Analytical Exposition
Dalam teks ini, penulis memberikan opini dan TIDAK berusaha membujuk pembaca untuk pro/kontra atau setuju/tidak setuju. Nama lain teks ini adalah argumentative. Persoalan-persoalan umum seperti; car, flood dan polution akan sering kamu jumpai dalam jenis teks ini.

Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks analytical exposition:
a.  Thesis       : pernyataan penulis tentang suatu kasus
b.  Argument  : inti perbincangan dan penjelasan dari inti tersebut
c.   Reiteration          : penguatan dari pernyataan penulis (bisa terdapat da-
  lam argument dalam bentuk elaboration/penjelasan secara rinci).

Ini dia contoh teks analytical exposition:
In Australia, there are three levels of government: the federal government, state government and local government. All of these levels of government are necessary. There are a number of reasons.

Argument I
First, the federal government is necessary for the big things.
They keep the economy in order and look after things like defence.

Argument II
Similarly, the state governments look after the middle sized things.
For example, they look after law and order, preventing things like vandalism in schools.

Argument III
Finally, local governments look after the small things.
They look after things like collecting rubbish; otherwise, everyone would have diseases.

1.     Pada teks analytical exposition, pendapat/opini penulis TIDAK berada pada posisi untuk mempengaruhi pembaca agar setuju/tidak setuju dengannya.
2.    Nama lainnya argumentative, berarti hanya ber-argumentasi/ mengomentari saja. Plus, namanya kan analytical, so pasti tujuannya hanya meng-analisa ya. INGAT! Teks ini TIDAK membujuk (persuade) pembaca agar pro/kontra loh.
3.    Menggunakan simple present tense.
4.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: thesis, argument dan reiteration.

TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     What kind of text is that?
a.    Analytical Exposition
b.    Report
c.    Recount
d.    Review
e.    Narrative
2.    Who is responsible for defence?
a.    Federal government
b.    State government
c.    Federal and State governments
d.    Local government
e.    Federal and Local governments
3.    The litter management is the responsibility of ...
a.    All governments
b.    Australia
c.    Federal governments
d.    State governments
e.    Local governments

4.   Hortatory Exposition
Perbedaan dalam teks ini dengan analytical exposition adalah penulis memberikan opini dan berusaha membujuk pembaca untuk pro/kontra atau setuju/tidak setuju. Nama lain teks ini adalah persuasive.
Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks hortatory exposition:
a.  Thesis                  : pernyataan penulis tentang suatu kasus
b.  Argument            : alasan tentang adanya kepedulian dan meng-
                            arah ke saran/rekomendasi
c.   Recommendation : pernyataan alasan/bagaimana sesuatu seha-
                            rusnya dilakukan/tidak dilakukan
In all the discussion over the removal of lead from petrol (and the atmosphere), there doesn’t seem to have been any mention of the difference between driving in the city and in the country.

While I realise my leaded petrol car is polluting their air wherever I drive, I feel that when you travel through the country, where you only see another car every five to ten minutes, the problem is not as severe as when traffic is concentrated on city roads.

Those who want to penalise older, leaded petrol vehicles and their owners don’t seem to appreciate that in the country, there is no public transport to fall back upon and one’s own vehicle is the only way to get about.

I feel that country people, who often have to travel huge distances to the nearest town and who already spend a great deal of money on petrol, should be treated differently to the people who live in the city.
contoh teks hortatory exposition dapat kamu lihat di bawah ini:

1.     Pada teks hortatory exposition, pendapat/opini penulis berada pada posisi untuk MEMPENGARUHI pembaca agar setuju/tidak setuju dengannya.
2.    Nama lainnya persuasive, berarti tidak hanya ber-argumentasi/ mengomentari saja, tapi juga berusaha MEMBUJUK (persuade) pembaca agar pro/kontra dengan dia yaa!
3.    Menggunakan simple present tense.
4.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: thesis, argument dan recommendation.

TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     The writer states that it is ......... between driving in the country and the city.
a.    the same
b.    different
c.    good
d.    wonderful
e.    satisfying
2.    The writer’s ......... pollutes the air.
a.    petrol
b.    atmosphere
c.    car
d.    traffic
e.    country
3.    What kind of text is that?
a.    Analytical Exposition
b.    Hortatory Exposition
c.    Review
d.    Report
e.    Discussion


Discussion text memiliki tujuan untuk mengajak pembaca mengambil sikap tertentu terhadap sebuah isu atau persoalan. Namun, sebelum memberikan rekomendasi, pembaca diharapkan dapat mengidentifikasi isu yang diperbincangkan terlebih dahulu, sehingga mampu mengeluarkan pendapat yang mendukung atau menentang.
Karakteristik teks ini menggunakan simple present tense serta sering ditemukan modal contrastive conjunction seperti; on the other hand, however, but) guna menunjukkan pendapat-pendapat yang berlawanan.

Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks discussion:
1.   Issue            : topik perhatian
2.  Arguments    : alasan/pendapat yang didasarkan pada gagasan po-
                     kok dengan diikuti points dan elaboration/uraian.

Gene Splicing
Genetic research has produced both exciting ang frightening possibilities. Scientists are now able to create new forms of life in the laboratory due to the development of gene splicing.

Arguments for
On the one hand, the ability to create life in the laboratory could greatly benefit mankind.
For example, because it is very expensive to obtain insulin from natural sources, scientists have developed a method to manufacture it inexpensively in the laboratory.
Another beneficial application of gene splicing is in agriculture.
Scientists foresee the day when new plants will be developed using nitrogen from the air instead of from fertilizer. Therefore, food production could be increased. In addition, entirely new plants could be developed to feed the world’s hungry people.
Sekarang, coba kamu semua perhatikan contohnya di bawah ini:

1.     Teks ini memiliki tujuan untuk MENGAJAK pembaca mengambil sikap tertentu terhadap sebuah isu.
2.    Menggunakan simple present tense dan kata hubung kontras (modal contrastive conjunction).
3.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: topic perhatian (issue) dan alasan/pendapat (argument) yang diikuti points dan elaboration/ uraian.

TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     To get insulin from natural sources is ...
a.    Cheap
b.    Easy
c.    Expensive
d.    Complicated
e.    Natural
2.    In agriculture, gene splicing is ...
a.    Not important
b.    Not required
c.    Needed
d.    Not needed
e.    Not sophisticated
3.    What kind of text is it?
a.    Exposition
b.    Discussion
c.    Review
d.    Report
e.    Anecdote
4.    Mankind can get ......... from the ability to create life in the laboratory.
a.    Disadvantage
b.    Loyalty
c.    Benefit
d.    Love
e.    Power

1.    The text mainly tells us about ...
a.    The Yonkers Arson Squad
b.    The blaze at a shoe store
c.    A fire in the shopping center
d.    A shopping center in the cross country
e.    The largest shopping center in Westchester County
2.   The fire has lasted about ...
a.    Half an hour
b.    Forty five minutes
c.    One hour
d.    One and a half hours
f.     Two hours
3.   How many investigators and fire fighters were involved in the scene?
a.    Two             d. Thirteen
b.    Seven           e. Fourteen
c.    Twelve

4.    What argument is given by those who disagree with the use of performance enhancing drugs?
a.    Athletes health is badly affected
b.    Guinea pigs are awfully needed
c.    Athletes consume more drugs
d.    Athletes obey the rule
e.    Athletes perform better
5.    According to the proponents of performance enhancing drugs, the effect of banning them is that ...
YONKERS, Nov 12th. A four alarm fire damaged 14 stores today in the Cross County Shopping Center, the largest shoppingcenter in Westchester County.
Two fire investigators said the blaze apparently started in a pile of cardboard cartons at the rear of a shoe store and spread through a utilities duct above the 13 other stores. The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control 1t 6.14 p.m. The center is on the Cross County Parkway at the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
Five fire-fighters were busy at the scene. Lieut. John Carey of the Yonkers Arson Squad said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
The issue of using drugs to enhance athlete’s performance is controversial. Those who agree to the use of drugs in enhancing performance say that most top players in all sports take drugs to train harder and feel no pain during play. The trainers, sports doctors, nutritionists, physiotherapists and managers of the big names make sure banned substances are taken at the safest and most efficient levels. The main effect of banning such substances has turned performers and their coaches into liars and cheaters.
On the other hand, some still believe that performance enhancing drugs in sport should be banned. Performance enhancing drugs are not only prohibited because they violate the spirit of sport, but because they can damage the health of athletes.
I think the idea of allowing them in sports could lead to a situation where-by sportsmen and women are used as human guinea pigs for a constant flow of new, unregulated substances.

a.    Performers become losers
b.    Performers become winners
c.    Performers become cheaters
d.    Performers become hooligans
e.    Performers become supporters
6.    What is the writer’s intention to write the text?
a.    To persuade readers to agree with the issue
b.    To influence readers to oppose the issue
c.    To describe performance enhancing drugs
d.    To entertain readers with the issue
e.    To expose readers with the issue
7.    How does the writer feel about the performance enhancing drugs?
a.    Neutral
b.    Positive
c.    Negative
d.    Indefinite
e.    Pessimistic

8.    What is mainly discussed in the text?
a.    The acid rain
b.    An alternative energy
c.    An atomic power station
d.    Highly radioactive material
e.    The advantages and disadvan-tages of nuclear energy
9.    All of the following statements are true, EXCEPT ...
a.    Acid rain makes plants fertile
b.    The smoke produced by burning coal contains a lot of acid
c.    Nuclear power may cause some health problems
d.    People should be aware of the danger of radioactive waste
e.    When oil or coal is burned, it produces some smoke.
10.  ”Nobody can be certain what will happen to it there.” (par. 2)
The underlined word means ...
Nuclear power seems in some ways much cleaner than other sources of energy. Take oil or coal as an example. When they are used in power stations, a great deal of smoke is produced. The smoke contains a great deal of acid. Even if smoke is cleaned by filters, a lot of acid still escapes into the air. This can be carried by clouds from power stations in England to Scandinavia. When it rains there, the acid comes down with the rain. As a result, the fish in lakes and trees in forests begin to die.
But many people are still against nuclear power. They believe that the pro-
blem is not just the danger of an accident in the atomic power stations. High radioactive material is used. Radioactivity can cause cancer and other illnesses. Only a part of the material is used. The rest-called waste-is just as radioactive. Although it is still highly dangerous, this radioactive waste is often thrown into the sea. Nobody can be certain what will happen to it there. Only one thing is certain. It will be highly dangerous for at least 240.000 years!

a.    Locate
b.    Exist
c.    Come
d.    Occur
e.    Last


Suatu Hari ...

Kompetensi Dasar
1.     Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa dari teks berbentuk Recount.
2.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa atau rujukan kata/ tujuan komunikatif dari teks berbentuk Narrative.
3.    Menentukan kosa kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi esai berbentuk Recount.
Standar Kompetensi
Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna-makna di dalam esai berbentuk Recount dan Narrative dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Writing (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan dan merespon makna dalam esai sederhana berbentuk Recount secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari bab ini, kamu diharapkan dapat memahami dan mengidentifikasi teks-teks tersebut.


Teks yang berisi peristiwa/keadaan/kegiatan atau pengalaman seseorang, dan tentunya telah terjadi di waktu lampau. Dalam penulisannya, teks ini sering menceritakan pengalaman/peristiwa sang penulis itu sendiri, keluarga atau teman.
Memiliki kemiripan dengan teks narrative dalam tense-nya, yaitu keduanya menggunakan simple past. Tujuan (communicative purpose) penulisan teks ini adalah untuk menceritakan kembali peristiwa di masa lampau (to retell past event).
Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks recount:
1.   Orientation      : pendahuluan tentang pelaku, tempat dan waktu
2.  Events              : rangkaian kejadian/peristiwa
3.  Reorientation   : penutup
Sekarang coba kamu semua perhatikan contoh teks recount berikut ini:
On Saturday morning, Baby went to Bandung with her family.

She arrived in Bandung at 11 o’clock; then they directly went to Panghegar Hotel for checking in and enjoying their lunch. They were chatting in the room.

At 2 o’clock, they went to Setiabudi. Baby’s mother purchased a bag while Baby’s father only browsed around the shops.

At 4 o’clock, they went back to Jakarta. The trip was tiring, but Baby was satisfied.

1.     Recount text biasanya menceritakan pengalaman atau cerita pribadi, baik penulis, keluarga atau teman.
2.    Menggunakan simple past tense.
3.    Tujuan (communicative purpose) teks ini adalah menceritakan kembali cerita di masa lalu (to retell past event)
4.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: pendahuluan (orientation), rangkaian peristiwa (events) dan penutup (reorientation).
TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     The text is ...
a.    Narrative
b.    Descriptive
c.    Recount
d.    News item
e.    Anecdote
2.    Which paragraph shows reorientation?
a.    1 (one)
b.    2 (two)
c.    2 and 3 (two & three)
d.    4 (four)
e.    1 and 3 (one & three)
3.    The antonym of purchase is ...
a.    Buy
b.    Get
c.    Sell
d.    Come
e.    Go
4.    The purpose of this text is to ...
a.    Retell
b.    Describe
c.    Inform
d.    Share
e.    Entertain

Perhatikan teks berikut kemudian tentukan kosa kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks recount di bawah ini!
My wife and I were on a Caribbean cruise ... (5) a vacation. It was a wonderful time exploring the unknown place. We went beneath the sea and ... (6) the fish up close. They were so various in ... (7) and colour.


a.    For
b.    From
c.    Since
d.    During
e.    Because
a.    See
b.    Saw
c.    Sees
d.    Seeing
e.    Has seen
a.    Sizes
b.    Scents
c.    Sounds
d.    Tastes
e.    Voices


Narrative text ialah salah satu teks yang menceritakan pengalaman nyata, khayal atau peristiwa rumit yang mengarah ke suatu kirisis atau permasalahan, namun akhirnya menemukan penyelesaian. Tujuan penulisan teks ini adalah untuk menghibur (to entertain/to amuse).
Ciri-ciri atau tanda-tanda yang sering muncul dalam teks ini berupa; kebanyakan menggunakan simple past tense, terdapat kalimat langsung (direct speech) ditunjukkan dengan tanda (“    ”) ketika tokohnya berbicara. Bentuk-bentuk teks narrative yang biasa kita lihat seperti folktale, legend dan fable.

Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks narrative:
1.   Orientation      : pendahuluan tentang tokoh, tempat dan waktu
2.  Complication    : kemunculan krisis/ permasalahan
3.  Resolution        : penyelesaian masalah
4.  Reorientation   : penutup, biasanya berisi ungkapan yang menunjuk-
                         kan cerita sudah berakhir
5.  Coda               : perubahan pada tokoh di akhir cerita dan pelaja-
                         ran yang bisa dipetik.
(reorientation dan coda bersifat optional, artinya boleh ada/boleh tidak).

Yuk, sekarang kita lihat contoh teks narrative di bawah ini:
Long, long time ago, there lived a beautiful girl named Cinderella. Because her parents passed away, she lived with her step mother and step sister. Cinderella was very sad every day because she had to do the house-work alone.

One day, the king wanted to find the wife for his son. He invited all the beautiful girls to come. Cinderella was very sad because her step sister did not let her go. Her sister went to the palace without Cinderella.

Luckily, the angel came and helped Cinderella to go to the palace. In the palace, Cinderella danced with the prince. He fell in love with her; then he married her. They lived happily ever after.

1.     Kebanyakan narrative text yang kita jumpai berupa legenda atau cerita rakyat yang bersifat khayal.
2.    Menggunakan simple past tense.
3.    Tujuan (communicative purpose) teks ini adalah untuk menghibur pembaca atau pendengar (to entertain/to amuse).
4.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: pendahuluan (orientation), masalah yang muncul (complication/crisis), penyelesaian masalah (resolution), penutup (reorientation) dan pelajaran-pelajaran yang bisa dipetik dari cerita serta perubahan pada tokohnya (coda).

TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     With whom did Cinderella live?
a.    Her father
b.    Her brother
c.    Her sister
d.    Her step mother
e.    Her step mother and step sister
2.    Which statement is NOT TRUE?
a.    Cinderella was young
b.    The angel helped Cinderella
c.    The king had a son
d.    The king married Cinderella
e.    The prince married Cinderella
3.    What kind of text is it?
a.    Descriptive
b.    News item
c.    Narrative
d.    Recount
e.    Spoof
4.    The communicative purpose is to ...
a.    Describe Cinderella
b.    Entertain the readers
c.    Inform the readers
d.    Retell the story
e.    Share experience
5.    The organization of the text is ...
a.    Complication, orientation, resolution
b.    Orientation, complication, reorientation
c.    Orientation, coda, complication
d.    Orientation, complication, resolution
e.    Resolution, complication, orientation

Ryan, my roomate, and I had a great weekend. Last Saturday we got up early and had a big breakfast. Then we took the bus to go downtown and went to an art museum. The museum opened at nine o’clock, and we stayed there all morning.
We saw some beautiful paintings. We had a guide who explained everything to us. I liked all the art, but Ryan didn’t like the modern art very much. I bought copies of two paintings. I’m going to put them on the wall of my bedroom.
At one o’clock, we were hungry, so we had lunch at the museum cafetaria. After lunch, we took a walk in the park near the museum. We went home at five o’clock. We were very tired, but we had a good time. On Sunday, we stayed at home and studied.

1.     What did the writer and his roommate do last weekend?
a.    They had a big dinner
b.    They went to an art museum
c.    They watched people painting
d.    They worked part time as a guide
e.    They worked part time in a cafetaria
2.    The main idea of the second paragraph is ...
a.    The museum only displayed modern art
b.    A guide accompanied the visitors
c.    The writer liked all the art displayed at the museum
d.    The guide helped visitors to buy the paintings displayed
e.    Ryan and his roommate lliked all the beautiful paintings at the museum
3.    Which of the following you don’t agree with about Ryan?
a.    Ryan liked all the art displayed
b.    Ryan was the writer’s roommate
c.    Ryan and the writer had a great weekend
d.    Ryan and the writer went to an art museum
e.    Ryan and the writer had lunch at the museum cafetaria
4.    Which paragraph shows reorientation?
a.    1 (one)
b.    2 (two)
c.    3 (three)
d.    1 and 2 (one & two)
e.    2 and 3 (two & three)
5.    When did they go to the art museum?
a.    This Saturday
b.    Next Saturday
c.    This Sunday
d.    Next Sunday
e.    Last weekend

Once upon a time, there was a man who liked hunting very much. He often went to the forest to hunt any animal he met.
One day, he went hunting into the forest. He intended to shoot any animal he saw. he brought his gun with him. When he was searching for his prey, suddenly he saw a bird perching on a -

6.    The main idea of paragraph 2 is ...
a.    An ant saved the dove’s life
b.    The dove tried to avoid the hunter
c.    The dove was perching on a branch of a tree
d.    The hunter with his gun was seeking his prey
e.    The hunter was eager to shoot the animals in the forest
7.    The hunter was very ...... when the ant bit his foot.
a.    Angry
b.    Furious
c.    Shocked
d.    Surprised
e.    Dissapointed
8.    From the story, we can conclude that both the ant and the dove are a good example for human beings because ...
a.    The bird could fly over the lake
b.    The ant could land on the ground
c.    The ant could bite the hunter’s foot
d.    The hunter couldn’t shoot the dove
e.    They could help to save each other’s lives
9.    “... suddenly he saw a bird perching on a branch of a tree.” (par. 2)
The underlined word means ...
a.    Walking
b.    Blowing
c.    Sleeping
d.    Sitting
e.    Flying
10.  What was the dove doing when he saw the ant floating on the water?
a.    Perching on a branch
b.    Biting the hunter’s foot
c.    Landing on the ground
d.    Getting on the leaf
e.    Flying over a lake
branch of a tree. It was dove. When he was aiming his gun at the dove, suddenly an ant came and bit his foot. He got startled; he didn’t shoot the dove. It was safe and then flew away.
Several days later, the dove was flying over a lake. He saw an ant floating on the surface of the water. It was the ant that had saved the dove’s life from the hunter. The ant was almost drowned. The dove got an idea. He picked up a big leaf and dropped it into the surface of the water near the ant. Luckily, the ant could get on the leaf.
The ant tried to bring the leaf to the edge of the lake and landed on the ground. The ant was safe because the dove helped him.


Seperti Apa sih?

Kompetensi Dasar
1.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa atau rujukan kata/ tujuan komunikatif dari teks berbentuk Report.
2.    Menentukan gambaran umum/ pikiran utama paragraf/ informasi tertentu/ informasi rinci/ informasi tersirat atau makna kata/ frasa atau rujukan kata/ tujuan komunikatif dari teks berbentuk Review.
3.    Menentukan kosakata yang tepat untuk melengkapi esai berbentuk Report.
Standar Kompetensi
Reading (Membaca)
Memahami makna-makna di dalam esai berbentuk Descriptive, Report dan Review dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari.
Writing (Menulis)
Mengungkapkan dan merespon makna dalam esai sederhana berbentuk Report dan Descriptive secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.
Tujuan Pembelajaran
Setelah mempelajari bab ini, kamu diharapkan dapat memahami dan mengidentifikasi teks-teks tersebut.


Mengingat materi yang sama seperti diajarkan pada kelas sebelumnya, yaitu teks descriptive. Maka dari itu, yuk kita ingat-ingat lagi pengertian, tujuan, ciri-ciri, susunan pembentuk teksnya, dll.
Teks ini mendeskripsikan atau menjelaskan seseorang, orang, benda atau tempat tertentu sehingga menjadi JELAS dan SPESIFIK. Semua teks yang pernah saya jumpai selalu menggunakan simple present tense.
Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks descriptive:
1.   Identification    : pengenalan hal yang akan dideskripsikan
2.  Description       : pendeskripsian ciri-ciri subyek (fisik, perilaku, sifat-
                         sifat psikologis)

Naah, sesudah mengingat kembali materi-materi tentang descriptive text, sekarang kita lihat contohnya berikut ini:
I have a pet. It is a dog, and I call it Brownie.

Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When i cuddle it, the fur feels soft. Brownie does not like bones.
Everyday, it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish, or bread. Every morning, I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my cat. They get along well and never fight, maybe because Brownie does not bark a lot. It treats other animals in our house gently. Brownie is really a sweet and friendly animal.

1.     Descriptive text bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan/menjelaskan satu orang, benda atau tempat (to describe).
2.    Menggunakan simple present tense.
3.    Susunan pembentuk teksnya yaitu: pengenalan subyek yang akan dideskripsikan (identification) dan pendeskripsian ciri-ciri subyek/ penjelasan mengenai subyeknya secara spesifik (description).

TUGAS (Assignment)
Perhatikan contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     What type of text is used by the writer?
a.    Narrative
b.    Recount
c.    Report
d.    Descriptive
e.    News item
2.    Brownie is fluffy.
The antonym of fluffy is ...
a.    Soft
b.    Thin
c.    Foolish
d.    Hard
e.    Stupid
3.    What is the main idea of paragraph 2?
a.    Brownie is the Chinese breed
b.    Brownie is naughty
c.    Brownie only eats soft food
d.    Brownie is a friendly animal
e.    Brownie can’t get along with other animals
4.    The communicative purpose of this text is ...
a.    To retell the past story
b.    To entertain
c.    To describe an animal
d.    To inform
e.    To present the view


Memiliki kemiripan dengan descriptive text, namun ada perbedaan yang mendasar, yaitu pada subyek yang dijelaskan. Teks report menjelaskan hasil pengamatan, observasi, penelitian atau studi tentang gejala alam, benda, binatang, orang dan juga terkadang tempat.
Tujuannya yaitu untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang suatu hasil pengamatan secara apa adanya (to describe the way things are). Menyampaikan fakta-fakta kehidupan/kebenaran umum, so pasti karena itu, teks ini hanya menggunakan simple present dalam penulisan tense-nya.
Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks report:
1.   General classification   : pernyataan umum yang menjelaskan subyek
                                  laporan, keterangan dan klasifikasinya
2.  Description                : informasi tentang ciri-ciri umum/generalisasi
                                  yang dimiliki subyek, seperti perilaku, fisik,
                                  psikologis, kualitas, ciri-ciri khas.

General Classification
Elephant is the largest and strongest animal. It looks strange.

The trunk of the elephant is peculiar, but has many uses. The elephant draws up water with its trunk. The trunk serves as long arm and hand. The elephant also looks clumsy, but it can move quickly.
Elephant is very intelligent. The combination of its intelligence and strength makes it a useful helper for man. Elephant can be trained to carry heavy loads and other purposes.
Naah, sesudah mengingat kembali materi-materi tentang descriptive text, sekarang kita lihat contohnya berikut ini:

1.     Naah, sekarang sudah paham tentang perbedaan descriptive text dengan report text kan? Meskipun tujuannya sama-sama untuk mendeskripsikan/menjelaskan, akan TETAPI kalau teks report hanya menjelaskan “fakta atau kebenaran umum” saja (to describe informasi pengamatan apa adanya).
2.    Menggunakan simple present tense.
3.    Susunan pembentuk teks report yaitu: pernyataan, keterangan, klasifikasi umum tentang subyek (general classification) dan informasi tentang ciri-ciri umum subyeknya (description).

TUGAS (Assignment)
Setelah membaca contoh teks di atas kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini!
1.     What kind of text is it?
a.    News item
b.    Review
c.    Explanation
d.    Report
e.    Discussion
2.    According to the text, elephant is ...
a.    Stupid
b.    Careless
c.    Clever
d.    Wonderful
e.    Easily angry
3.    People usually hunt elephant to get ...
a.    Trunk
b.    Ears
c.    Tail
d.    Eyes
e.    Tusks

Perhatikan teks berikut kemudian tentukan kosa kata yang tepat untuk melengkapi teks recount di bawah ini!

River hippos live half their lives in water. They … (4) and let the water carry their great weight. They … (5) sink completely below the surface, however. Instead, they paddle around with the tops of their heads sticking out of the water. A river hippo’s eyes, ears, and nose are all at the top of its head. It can breathe and see what’s going on even while most of its body is below water.
If it has to, a river hippopotamus can go underwater and hold its breath for as much as half an hour. River hippos can swim underwater, or walk on the river bottom. Pygmy hippos can swim, too, but they spend … (6) time in the water. They stay mostly on the riverbanks.


a.    Dive
b.    Sink
c.    Drown
d.    Float
e.    Swim
a.    Usually
b.    Rarely
c.    Always
d.    Often
e.    Never
a.    Less
b.    More
c.    Longer
d.    Further
e.    Bigger


Memberikan ulasan atau ringkasan tentang sebuah karya seni, seperti film, musik, pameran, buku, dll. Menggunakan unsur kebahasaan particular participant artinya teks ini hanya mengulas partisipan/karya tertentu yang spesifik.
Teks review juga menggunakan kata sifat penilaian/menunjukkan sikap (perspective adjective), misalnya good, bad, hard, soft, dll. Sehingga tujuan komunikatif (communicative purpose) teks review adalah to critique an art work.

Generic structure atau susunan pembentuk teks review adalah:
1.   Orientation                : pengenalan karya yang akan diulas/dibahas
2.  Interpretative recount : rangkuman alur cerita/plot
3.  Evaluation                 : penilaian/interpretasi penulis tentang karya
                                  yang dibahas
4.  Evaluation summation : rangkuman penulis tentang karya tersebut.

Private Lives Sparkle
Since the last production of ‘Private Live’ in 1930, with the theatre’s two leading sophisticates Noel Coward and Gertrude Lawrence in the leads, the play has tended to be seen as a vehicle for stars.
QUT Academy of the Arts’ production boasted no ‘stars’, but certainly fielded potential stars in a sparkling performance that brought out just how fine a piece of craftmanship Coward’s play is.
More than 60 years later, what news could be deduced from so familiar a theme?
Director Rod Wissler’s highly perceptive approach went beyond the glittery surface of Witty banter to the darker implications beneath.
Interpretative Recount
With the shifting of attitude to social values, it became clear that Victor and Sybil were potentially the more admirable of the couples, with standards better adjusted than the volatile and self-indulged Elyot and Amanda.
The wit was there, dexterously ping-ponged to and fro by a vibrant Amanda (Chaterine Jones) and a suave Elyot (Daniel Kealy).
Julie Eckersley’s Sybil was a delightful creation, and Philip Cameron-Smith’s more serious playing was just right for Victor. Jodie Levesconte was a superb French maid. James Maclean’s set captured the Thirties atmosphere with many subtle touches.
Evaluation Summation
All involved deserve the highest praise.
Wait a minute, please! Jangan puas dulu dengan memahami pengertian, ciri-ciri dan tujuan dari review text, sekarang perhatikan contohnya yaa!:

1.     Tujuan komunikatif teks review adalah untuk memberikan ulasan/ringkasan tentang sebuah karya seni (to critique an art work).
2.    Penggunaan tense tidak begitu diperhitungkan, yang terpenting tetap menggunakan aturan-aturan kebahasaan (grammatical pattern) yang ada.
3.    Susunan pembentuk teks review yaitu: pengenalan karya seni yang akan diulas (orientation), rangkuman alur cerita (interpretative recount), penilaian dari penulis (evaluation) dan rangkuman penulis tentang karya seni tersebut (evaluation summation).

TUGAS (Assignment)
Sekarang jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini dengan membaca contoh teks di atas!
1.     What kind of text is it?
a.    Discussion
b.    Exposition
c.    News item
d.    Review
e.    Explanation
2.    In the last paragraph, we can find ...
a.    Evaluation
b.    Evaluation summation
c.    Interpretative recount
d.    Orientation
e.    Orientation and evaluation
3.    What is Rod Wissler’s job?
a.    Actor
b.    Actress
c.    Producer
d.    Director
e.    Teacher
Taman Mini Indonesia Indah (TMII) or "Beautiful Indonesia Miniature Park" (literally translated) is a culture-based recreational area located in East Jakarta, Indonesia.
It has an area of about 250 acres. The park is a synopsis of Indonesian culture, with virtually all aspects of daily life in Indonesia's provinces encapsulated in separate pavilions with the collections of architecture, clothing, dances and traditions are all depicted impeccably.
Apart from that, there is a lake with a miniature of the archipelago in the middle of it, cable cars, museums, a theater called the Theatre of My Homeland (Theater Tanah Airku) and other recreational facilities which make TMII one of the most popular tourist destinations in the city.

1.    What is the text about?
a.    The description of TMII
b.    The location of TMII
c.    The history of TMII
d.    The benefit of TMII
e.    Tourist destination
2.   How are the aspects of daily life of Indonesia's provinces exposed?
a.    They are put at a theatre
b.   They are shown by cable cars
c.    They are placed at separate pavilions
d.   They are represented in the forms of dances
e.    They are positioned in the middle of the park
3.   Which paragraph shows identification?
a.    3 (three)
b.    3 and 2 (three & two)
c.    2 (two)
d.    2 and 1 (two & one)
e.    1 (one)

4.    The planets in our solar system travel ...
a.    Around the earth
b.    Around the circles
c.    In one movement
d.    From one position to another
e.    In elliptical orbits

A planet is a body in space that revolves around a star. There are nine planets in our solar system, and these nine planets travel around the sun. The names of the planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
Planets travel in orbit around the stars. All of the planets of the solar system revolve in elliptical orbits. In other words, their orbits are like large, flat circles. The time that it takes to make one revolution around the sun is called a year.
The Greeks were the first people to know and give names to some of the planets. The word planet comes from a Greek word, meaning wanderer. If a person wanders, this means that he goes from one place to another and does not have a home. The Greeks thought that planets “wandered” in the sky. However, modern scientists can predict the movement of the planets very accurately.

5.    What is the suitable title for this text?
a.    Stars
b.    The Orbits
c.    The Greeks
d.    The Planets
e.    The Wanderers
6.    Where do the planets travel?
a.    In the sun
b.   In the solar system
c.    In the stars
d.   In the moon
e.    In its orbit

7.    The purpose of the text is ...
a.    To describe a film
b.    To describe how a film is made
c.    To inform readers about a good film
d.    To entertain readers by telling a story
e.    To review a film for a public audience
8.    After reading the review, how would you judge this film?
a.    Bad
b.    Fair
c.    Not bad
d.    Mediocare
e.    Excellent
9.    What does the writer suggest to the audience?
a.    The film is forgettable
b.    They should watch the film
c.    They should neglect the film
d.    They should make another film
e.    They writer should promote the film
10.  How many artists talked in the text?
2002 Juan Carlos Fresnadillo,
Federico and Sam are two lucky men, Federico survived an earthquake and has the power to wrench fortune from those around him because he has the gift, Sam is a survivor of the Jewish holocaust and manages a casino in the middle of a lava desert. One day, Federico challenges Sam, who expels him from paradise, taking his gift from him.
Years later, Federico thinks that he has found Tomas, the only survivor of an air accident, the instrument of his vengeance. By teaching him to control fortune, he can use him to return to the casino and challenge the God of fortune. Together, they begin a journey of initiation, a succession of ever more strange and difficult test in which the highest bet is the luck of others. Luck in this game is captured in a simple photograph. Everything goes well until Sara, a policewoman who survives a car
accident which kills her family, becomes obsessed with discovering what is behind these clandestine games in which death and luck become enmeshed in which someone can remain intact. This film is really worth watching.

a.    1 (one)
b.    2 (two)
c.    3 (three)
d.    4 (four)
e.    5 (five)


Tes Formatif 1
1.     A           6.  E
2.    C           7.  B
3.    E            8.  C
4.    D           9.  B
5.    B            10. A

Tes Formatif 2
1.     C           6.  C
2.    D           7.  C
3.    B            8.  E
4.    A           9.  A
5.    C           10. D

Tes Formatif 3
1.     B            6.  A
2.    C           7.  D
3.    A           8.  E
4.    C           9.  D
5.    E            10. E

Tes Formatif 4
1.     A           6.  E
2.    C           7.  E
3.    E            8.  E
4.    E            9.  B
5.    D           10. D

Bima M, Bachtiar, dkk, Detik-Detik Ujian Nasional Bahasa Inggris, Intan Pariwara, Klaten, 2012
Karnoto, Bambang K, Seri Pendalaman Materi (SPM) Plus, Penerbit Erlangga, Jakarta, 2012
Mustikasari, Susi, Modul Bahasa Inggris Program Belajar Paket C Kelas X, Penerbit Arya Duta, Depok, 2007
Silviyanti, Ine, Modul Bahasa Inggris Program Belajar Paket C Kelas XI, Penerbit Arya Duta, Depok, 2007
Sofyan, Fahmi, Kiat Sukses Lulus Ujian Bahasa Inggris, Pustaka Tarbiyah Baru, Jakarta, 2011


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