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A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON LOCUTION, ILLOCUTION AND PERLOCUTION ACTS IN THE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT ROLE-TAKING IN ENGLISH-SPEAKING MEETINGS (Pragmatics Analysis in Speaking III Academic Year of 2009-2010) Graduating Paper Submitted to the Board of Examiners in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in the English and Educational Department By: Noor Sahid Kusuma Hadi Manggolo 113 07 069 ENGLISH AND EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT STATE ISLAMIC STUDIES INSTITUTE (STAIN) OF SALATIGA 2011 MOTTO ”Finding as much as possible friends and avoiding as much as possible opponents” ”A thousand old men are only able to dream, a young man is able to change the world” (Ir. Soekarno) DEDICATION I would like to dedicate this research for Who guide, teach and help me in any occasions: 1. Allah subhanaHu wa ta’ala, the most gracious and the most merciful, 2. Muhammad (peace be upon him), the best of mankind, I try to follow your way, you are my inspiration, you are ”THE CHOSEN ONE,” 3. My beloved ”Abah” (R.I.P) and my adored ”Ibu” who give me passion to achieve my hopes afterward, 4. My all teachers from kindergarten ”RA. Kusuma Mulia,” Elementary School ”MI. Ar-Rosyad Bergas,” Junior High School ”MTs Sudirman Jimbaran,” Senior High School ”MAN 1 Salatiga,” then STAIN Salatiga’s lecturers with the staffs who teach me much more than I expect, you all are my heroes, 5. My dearest siblings, ”Mbak Ida, Mas Dol, Mas Dil, Nduk Apin, Mas Din, Mbak Atik and Mbak Ika,” 6. My nephews, ”Abdullah Hakam Mubaraq” and a baby in my sister’s pregnancy who tell me about responsibility, 7. The big family of senior rover scout movement ”Racana Kusuma Dilaga-Woro Srikandhi” who take me to the other sides of this world, 8. The big family of Class-C English department students 2007, I can’t stop thinking about you guys, you are ”My Trusted Friends,” 9. My everlasting best friends who are always being parts of my life. ABSTRACT Manggolo, Noor Sahid Kusuma (2011) ”A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON LOCUTION, ILLOCUTION AND PERLOCUTION ACTS IN THE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT ROLE-TAKING IN ENGLISH-SPEAKING MEETINGS (Pragmatics Analysis in Speaking III Academic Year of 2009-2010).” Graduating Paper. Salatiga. Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Salatiga, September 2011. Counselor: Setia Rini, M.Pd. Keywords: locution act, illocution act, perlocution acts, effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings. Within an English formal meeting often found the hearer does not know what the speaker means directly, he or she needs to guess what exactly the speaker’s interpersonal meaning to hearer. Those are appropriate reasons why people (hearer) needs to learn pragmatics. In this research, the researcher used the theory from Frank Parker (1986) which help the researcher to categorize the utterances derived from the data transcription and list of data found in English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010 into the kinds of interpersonal meaning (locution, illocution and perlocution acts). Then the theory from Hurford and Heasley (1983) that help the researcher to analyze the sentences of data regarding to the sentence type and typical linguistic acts. In addition to Goodale’s book (1995) who tells about effective and efficient way or the procedure to deliver thoughts and acts to take the role in formal meeting. All data have been interpreted; but there are several disordered data that cannot be used to this research because of problems on recording. So that the researcher only got twenty-two conversations that he divided into ten groups of conversational text for formal meeting. Finally, in a great expectation, by applying this research data and analysis, English academic workers can see the benefits and understand how to be effective and efficient for taking the role in such an English formal meeting. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Alhamdulillahi rabbil ’alamiin, all praises and giving thanks to Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful due to His blessings and inspirations which are given to the researcher, everything could be performed well such as the completing of this graduating paper entitled: ”A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY ON LOCUTION, ILLOCUTION AND PERLOCUTION ACTS IN THE EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT ROLE-TAKING IN ENGLISH-SPEAKING MEETINGS (Pragmatics Analysis in Speaking III Academic Year of 2009-2010).” Nevertheless, the researcher is aware of there are many helps and praises which made the process of finishing this graduating paper easier, by offering their great helps, in this opportunity the researcher would like to express the special appreciation or gratefulness to: 1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M.Ag. as the rector of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga, 2. Mr. Suwardi, M.Pd., as the chief of Education Faculty of STAIN Salatiga, 3. Mrs. Mashlihatul Umami, S.Pd.I., M.A. as the chief of English Department of STAIN Salatiga who has given the researcher an opportunity to make a research about pragmatics, 4. Mrs. Setia Rini, M.Pd. as the researcher’s attentive counselor who always disposed to make the times to help, motivate and guide the researcher, 5. The whole lecturers in STAIN Salatiga, especially for English Department lecturers who give the researcher great knowledges, supports, guidances and views about the meaning of learning, 6. The whole teachers in RA. Kusuma Mulia, MI. Ar-Rosyad Bergas, MTs. Sudirman Jimbaran and MAN 1 Salatiga, thank you very much for everything, 7. The beloved ”Abah” (R.I.P), the adored ”Ibu,” ”Mbak Ida,” ”Mas Dol,” ”Mas Dil,” ”Nduk Apin,” ”Mas Din,” ”Mbak Atik,” ”Mbak Ika,” as well as”Abdullah Hakam Mubaraq” and a baby in his sister’s pregnancy. 8. The big family of senior rover scout movement ”Racana Kusuma Dilaga-Woro Srikandhi” who take the researcher to the other parts of this world, especially for James, Cholil, Zuriyah, Venty, Solikhin, Ririen and all PWN Jambi’s participants, 9. The big family of Class-C English department students 2007, particularly for Heru, Hasbi, Piyul, Anas, Sakhban, Dony, they all are ”My Trusted Friends,” 10. The everlasting best friends who are always being parts of the researcher’s life, Soraya, Arifin, Fitri, Lucy, Nazil, Arba’in, Mb. Ocha, Anwar, Kotrek, Afandy, Fatur, Siwi, Uswatun H, The twin Jannah-Rahmah, Dysa Martina, Husni, Irfani, Agus, Bu Is, Irul, Okta, thanks for helping, All of the researcher’s friends ”My Bro” and ”My Sis” who cannot be mentioned one by one, they are so kind. TABLE OF CONTENT TITLE PAGE i DECLARATION ii ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTE iii STATEMENT OF CERTIFICATION iv MOTTO v DEDICATION vi ABSTRACT vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT viii TABLE OF CONTENT xi CHAPTER I : INTRODUCTION 1 A. Background of the Study 1 B. Limitation of the Problem 3 C. Statement of the Problem 4 D. Objective of the Study 5 E. Benefit of the Study 6 F. Literature Review 7 G. Graduating Paper Outlines 8 CHAPTER II : THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK 9 A. Pragmatics 9 B. Interpersonal Meaning 12 C. Locution, Illocution and Perlocution Acts 14 D. Effective and efficient role-taking 19 CHAPTER III : RESEARCH METHOD AND DATA PRESENTATION 22 A. Research Approach 22 B. Research Subject 23 C. Source of Data 23 D. Unit of Analysis 24 E. Technique of Collecting Data 24 F. Technique of Analysis 26 G. Data Presentation 27 CHAPTER IV : DATA ANALYSIS ........................................................... 30 A. Discussion and Data Analysis ........................................... 30 B. Finding ........................................................ 52 CHAPTER V : CLOSURE ......................................................................... 54 A. Conclusion .......................................................................... 54 B. Suggestion ........................................................................... 55 BIBLIOGRAPHY CURRICULUM VITAE APPENDIX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. Background of the Study For several people, meeting is one of annoying moments in their life. In any occasions, such as routine, accidental and other kinds of meeting, for instance formal and informal meeting that most of them often cause the arguments fight, tricks and tactics from each other to influence the meeting participants. Moreover, the disagreement or conflict regularly occurred here, because of misunderstanding and misinterpretation of the language meaning used in the meetings. For that reason, a leader needed in such meeting who is able to handle those problems in order to reach a conducive, effective and efficient meeting. But it is not easy enough to do, neither a leader who master all of meeting materials nor he or she must be able to manage several “critical minds” within one space. As well as another thing important which common being a principle thing in a meeting is the certain language use. This is not everyday language used by everyone in every time, and nowadays not many people who are able to use or just know this meeting language. That is why in this paper, the researcher would like to present how important the language use in taking the role or leading the meeting (conversation) is. When a meeting participant wants to use appropriate sentences in his or her meetings, and as the participant is going to present his or her argument and opinion, tries to show the agreement or disagreement, interrupts and questions someone, wants to clarify something, tells the purpose of conversation, even persuade, demonstrates the importance and certainty, or compromise anything. Furthermore if there is a sentence “Has it occurred to you that......?” the hearer will not know what the speaker means directly, he or she needs to guess or see what exactly the speaker’s interpersonal meaning to hearer. There are several ways to know the interpersonal meaning produced by the speaker’s language, for instance; the hearer has to know the meaning through its speech acts, the locution, illocution, perlocution acts, direct or indirect conversation, proposition, conversational implicature and its felicity condition before. Hence he or she needs to learn pragmatics. Essentially, there are many definitions of pragmatics, such as the pragmatics works for delivering through utterances and the meaning, or several definitions stated by George Yule in the book translated by Indah Fajar Wahyuni entitled “Pragmatik” defines that pragmatics is the study of what the speaker means (2006: 3), the study of contextual meaning, the study of the way to understand more than talk, and the study of utterance from the distance of relation (2006: 4). Meanwhile, according to Gorys Keraf that lots of businessmen, professional staffs, lecturers and other peoples who have used English as a means to communicate, to extend self-expression and (for integration) to organize the social control (1984: 4) in their meetings, conversations or any communications. Yet it does not guarantee enough for speaker to be able to speak and deliver his or her sense and purpose directly and well. In this paper, the researcher gives the best way for readers understanding the theory of speaker’s interpersonal meaning within the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings, because of English for conversation have the certain patterns and characteristics; therefore this paper tries to guide the readers to be effective and efficient in leading or taking the role in any conversations (meeting). B. Limitation of the Problem The researcher would like to limit the scope of problems to the following study in order to avoid misinterpretation of the problems; from the research entitled ”A Descriptive Study on Locution, Illocution and Perlocution Acts in the Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings (Pragmatics Analysis in Speaking III Academic Year of 2009-2010),” the researcher describes and identifies the interpersonal meaning found in English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010. The following are the types of interpersonal meaning proposed by Hurford and Heasley with the book “semantics: a coursebook” which may be found in English students’ conversation videos of Speaking III: a. Speech acts b. Perlocutions and illocutions c. Felicity conditions d. Direct and indirect illocutions e. Proposition and illocutions f. Conversational implicature (1983: 232). However, the researcher focuses on analyzing the students’ utterances within the conversation videos, or the speaker’s meaning analyzed with the theory of locution (act of saying something), illocution (act of doing something) and perlocution (act of affecting someone), as every sentence has three things above, the researcher encourage himself to apply the theories in this research. C. Statement of the Problem Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problems as follows: 1. What is (are) the kind(s) of interpersonal meaning found in English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010 and divide into each locution, perlocution and illocution theory? 2. What is (are) the benefit(s) of interpersonal meaning theory (locution, perlocution and illocution theory) to the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation)? 3. How is the English-speaking conversation effective and efficient in taking the role? D. Objective of the Study As many people know that finding the research about pragmatics analysis is not easy for the academic workers, especially for English students who will face the graduation. Therefore this research project tries to give little bit description toward English academic workers and other persons who need it. Found in the background of the study and statement of the problem; the researcher determines: 1. The research project is made to know the kind(s) of interpersonal meaning found in English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010 and divide into each locution, perlocution and illocution theory. 2. Worked as the proof to see the benefit(s) of interpersonal meaning theory (locution, perlocution and illocution theory) to the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation). 3. In order for the English academic workers are able to know how the English-speaking conversation is effective and efficient in taking the role. E. Benefit of the Study This research project is expected to be useful for: 1. Academic benefits This paper is expected to be the new information that delivers the contribution for English academic workers or lecturers, especially for linguistic lecturers in developing the material related to pragmatics and other linguistic fields. Otherwise, as the useful reference for students who is doing the graduating paper preparation about pragmatics. The researcher and further students are able to use this paper as an additional source to widen the knowledge about pragmatics study, particularly in interpersonal meaning scope; moreover, the readers are allowed to recognize the differences of each type of locution, perlocution and illocution theory and to understand the application as well as the benefits. 2. Practical benefits The paper is aimed in order to give the opportunity for students or other researchers to be more active for making the advance researches related to this subject (pragmatics), because of little in quantity, those kind of researches are still much needed while looking for a single pragmatics research is quite difficult currently. While the benefits for lecturers, students and everyone who use this research are helpful in their life, they are able to understand the essential of interpersonal meaning within their conversation, practically they communicate each other well; be smart to place themselves in communication contextually. In addition, they understand the good way to lead the meeting, and finally they can take the role inside. F. Literature Review The researcher takes review of related literature by previous researchers as the principles or comparisons with this research. The first one has been done by Septi Wulandari (2006) entitled A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS IN ADDRESS TERM USED IN TITANIC MOVIE MANUSCRIPT. She has analyzed the possible Politeness Principle (PP) examples established in that movie manuscript. The second one is A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF REGISTERS FOUND IN SPOKEN AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (SEMANTIC ANALYSIS) by Nurul Hidayah (2005). This is one of graduating papers example that guide the researcher to learn more about a descrptive study. And the last one is a graduating paper about sociolinguistics written by Henny Widhi Astuti (2010) entitled A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF CODE MIXING AND CODE SWITCHING USED IN ANDREA HIRATA’S NOVEL ENTITLED MARYAMAH KARPOV. She has helped the researcher to compose his research design (proposal), because her graduating paper has the similar type of research with his research project. As the related graduating papers mentioned above, there is little bit difficulty for researcher finding the pragmatics research examples, however he is sure that all of related literature papers above have been able to be appropriate references for designing this research project and completely making the report. G. Graduating Paper Outlines The report of research or the graduating paper is presented structurally as follows: Chapter I: INTRODUCTION consists of background of the problem, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study, literature review and graduating paper outlines. Chapter II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK consists of the explanation of pragmatics (study) analysis, personality dimension of interpersonal meaning theory (locution, illocution and perlocution theory), review and the implication of effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation) in a pragmatics analysis. Chapter III: RESEARCH METHOD AND DATA PRESENTATION consists of the research approach, research subject, source of data, unit of analysis, technique of analysis and technique of collecting data. Chapter IV: DATA ANALYSIS consists of discussion and data analysis, and then followed by final analysis. Chapter V: CLOSURE consists of conclusion and suggestion. Moreover, the last parts are bibliography, curriculum vitae, and appendix. CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK To keep away from the different comprehensions, and to state the assumption about analysis, the existence of theories is needed. In this chapter, the researcher goes to talk about the underlying requirements to solve the problem statements and to support the subject of this research. The readers are invited to elaborate some term of theories, they are: pragmatics, interpersonal meaning, locution, illocution and perlocution acts. The elaborating about the theories is used as a base for getting the conclusion of analysis. A. Pragmatics 1. Background of Pragmatics Yudi Cahyono in the book entitled “Kristal-Kristal Ilmu Bahasa” mentioned that the ‘pragmatics’ word was born by Charles Morris the philosopher who rearranges the earlier philosophers’ thoughts about the science regarding signals and symbols; semiotic. By Morris, semiotic is divided into three sciences, they are; semantics, syntax, and pragmatics. In pragmatics, the meaning of utterance analyzed according to the meaning by the speaker and its context (1995: 214). Furthermore, Mey pointed out the description of Pragmatics is a science that has to do with language and its users, or some such thing (1994: 3). According to which ‘pragmatics is the waste-basket of linguistics’; that is: whenever you cannot explain a phenomenon in language using regular, accepted linguistic theories, then you must have recourse to something else, something that is supposedly as undefined as it is tangible, namely, pragmatics (1994: 5). The explanations from several writers above tell the researcher that pragmatics is like guidance for other linguistics fields, as every single utterance that belongs to the speaker or refers to its context and as long as the utterance’s meaning cannot be applied to other theories, pragmatics is able to be involved. 2. Notion of Pragmatics Related to what Mey concluded in the book “Pragmatics an Introduction,” pragmatics starts out from an active conception of language as being used. Pragmatics is what the action is; but what is the action? Pragmatics tells us it’s all right to use language in various, unconventional ways, as long as we know, as language users, what we’re doing (1994: 4). We cannot explain it using the ‘normal’ explanations of linguistics (1994: 4-5). In other words, to understand, analyze and to keep away from different meaning or comprehension among speaker(s) and listener(s), there are no just ‘conventional’ explanations applied, but the ‘deep’ thinking about the meaning is really needed as well. As well as talk about pragmatics, these two things cannot be forgotten, they are “implicature and context,” according to Mey that which is implied, is ‘folded in’, and has to be ‘unfolded’ in order to be understood (1994: 99). He also said in the same page of the book entitled “Pragmatics an Introduction” that a conversational implicature is something which is implied in conversation, that is, something which is left implicit in actual language use (1994: 99). Those have proved that in pragmatics conversation, speaker and hearer always use language (certain language) in particular ‘context’. 3. Forms of Pragmatics Pragmatics is the science of language seen in relation to its users, and it is the science of language as it is used by real, live people, for their own purpose and within their limitation and affordances (1994: 5). For further comprehension about the user or speaker’s meaning as what mentioned above, let see the following example from Kartomiharjo (1989) explained by Cahyono (1995: 214): Suami : Bu, rambutku sudah panjang. Husband : Mom, My hair is getting longer. Istri : (mengambil uang dan diberikan kepada suami) Wife : (Take the money and give it to her husband) The example above describes the husband does not tell the wife that his hair is getting longer merely, yet in the fact, the husband would like to ask the money to the wife for cutting his long hair in a barber shop. At the same time, the wife knows what the husband means as well. She does not reply with the words; Oooh, iya, sudah hampir bisa digelung ya... (Ooch, yes I see, it’s been such a hair bun, hasn’t it?). Therefore, the components of conversation (speaker(s) and listener(s)) use the words’ meaning combined with the ‘context’ where the words happening (take place) in order to understand the user or speaker’s meaning (1995: 214). B. Interpersonal Meaning 1. Background of Interpersonal Meaning Humphrey explained in the article entitled “Discourse Analysis through Interpersonal meaning” Halliday (2002) introduces three functional modes of meanings of language, they are: ideational (experiential and logical), interpersonal, and textual. He states that they are ‘different kinds of meaning potential that relate to the most general functions that language has evolved to serve’ (p.94). Nevertheless, what the researcher is going to concern is only to interpersonal meaning as the starting point to further analysis about the locution, illocution and perlocution acts in this research. 2. Notion of Interpersonal Meaning Moreover Humphrey said that interpersonal meanings focus on the interactivity of the language, and concern the ways in which we act upon one another through language. In either spoken texts or written texts, an interlocutor expects to tell listeners or readers via text. This means that each text has a relationship between providers of information and recipients of information (p.95-96). See the following sentences as an example; a. (Declaratives) Mike arrived at school at nine o’clock. b. (Interrogatives) Did Mike arrive at school at nine o’clock? or What time did Mike arrive at school? or Where did Mike arrive at nine o’clock? c. (Imperatives) Tell me when Mike arrived at school. In the declaratives, the information is provided from the interlocutor to a listener or reader; the former is a provider of information and the latter is a recipient of information. But in the interrogatives, we can see the opposite movement of information; the interlocutor expects to receive an answer (yes/no, at nine o’clock, or at school) from a listener/reader. This shows that the former is a recipient of information, and the latter is a (potential) provider of information. Finally, in the imperatives, the interlocutor demands the information (or goods & services, according to Halliday) to a listener/reader; the former is a recipient of information, and the latter is a provider of information/service, as in the case of the interrogatives (p. 96). 3. Types of Interpersonal Meaning The following are the types of interpersonal meaning proposed by Hurford and Heasley with the book “semantics: a coursebook” which may be found in English students’ conversation videos of Speaking III: a. Speech acts b. Perlocutions and illocutions c. Felicity conditions d. Direct and indirect illocutions e. Proposition and illocutions f. Conversational implicature (1983: 232). However, the researcher goes to focus on analyzing the students’ utterances within the conversation videos, or the speaker’s meaning analyzed with the theory of locution (act of saying something), illocution (act of doing something) and perlocution (act of affecting someone), as every sentence has three things above, the researcher encourage himself to apply the theories in this research. C. Locution, Illocution and Perlocution Acts 1. Background of Locution, Illocution and Perlocution Acts Parker determines that the three theories are the component acts of speech act. Since, the objective is to develop the idea that every speech event constitutes a speech act and consist of the three separate acts: a. Locution Act This is the act of simply uttering a sentence from a language; it is a description of what the speaker says. It is the act of using a referring expressing (e.g., a noun phrase) and a predicating expression (e.g., a verb phrase or adjective). For instance, if I say My watch is broken, the refereeing expression is my watch and the predicating expression is is broken (1986: 15). That means Parker said implicitly that locution act is the speaker’s sentence itself. b. Illocution Act In illocution act, Parker clarified that it is what the speaker intends to do by uttering a sentence. Illocutionary acts would include stating, promising, apologizing, threatening, predicting, ordering and requesting. For example, if a mother says to her child Take your feet off the table, the illocutionary acts is one of ordering. The intent associated with an illocutionary act is sometimes called the illocutionary force of the utterance. Thus, in the previous example, we might say that the illocutionary force of the mother’s utterance is an order (1986: 15). According to Hurford and Heasley the illocutionary act has been performed as soon as the utterance made is evident (1983: 247), that is why for that reasons, the researcher thinks the illocution act performed something is in speaker’s full of control and it is able to say simply by “the speaker(s)’ intention.” c. Perlocution Act Whereas perlocution act explained by Parker with the effect on the hearer of what a speaker says. Perlocutionary acts would include such effects as persuading, embarrassing, intimidating, boring, irritating, or inspiring the hearer. For example, if a husband says to his wife ten times in five minutes Hurry up, dear, we’re going to be late for the party, the illocutionary act might be one of urging but the perlocutionary act is likely to be one of irritating. As with illocutionary acts, the effect associated with a perlocutionary act is sometimes referred to as the perlocutionary force of the utterance (1986: 16). Furthermore in the book ‘Semantics: a coursebook’ by Hurford and Heasley mentioned that the perlocutionary act is the act of causing a certain effect on the hearer and others (1983: 243). They also commented that the point of carefully distinguishing the perlocutionary aspect of the speech act from others is that perlocutions can often be accidental, and thus bear a relatively unsystematic relationship to any classification of sentence type (1983: 243). On the other hand, this act has little bit differences with the illocution act, they are the perlocution act performed something is ‘not’ in speaker’s full of control and this act has ‘not’ been performed as soon as while the utterance is made. The researcher considers those differences are able to be ‘simple’ when they are always in a full of attention, but be ‘principle’ when they are not to come to one’s attention. 2. Notion of Locution, Illocution and Perlocution Acts Considered to Frank Parker’s book entitled “Linguistics for non-Linguists” that to developing the idea that every speech event constitutes a speech act, Searle also expanded the concept that every speech act consists of three separate acts: an act of saying something (locution), an act of doing something (illocution), and an act of affecting someone or listener (perlocution) (1986: 15). From the simple description above, the researcher is able to assume that the characteristic of locution, illocution and perlocution acts is every single sentence always has those three acts. 3. Forms of Locution, Illocution and Perlocution Acts The researcher is able to give one example to readers understand how this theory works. Here are they: Dono: Do you see my crackers in my room? Dony: I saw your sister was in your room this morning, you know she loves what you like. Explanation: Dono: Do you see my crackers in my room? Locution act (The act is using a referring expression, my cracker; my room is the noun phrase) Dono wants Dony to give information Illocution act (The act includes a requesting by uttering the sentence) Dony gives information to Dono Perlocution act (Dony/hearer is getting such an effect of inspiring from Dono/speaker) Dony: I saw your sister was in your room this morning, you know she loves what you like. Locution act (The act is using a referring expression, your sister; your room is the noun phrase) Dony wants Dono to get information Illocution act (The act includes a predicting by uttering the sentence) Dono looks for his sister to confirm Perlocution act (Dono/speaker is getting such an effect of embarrassing and irritating from Dony/hearer) Obviously, the simple example above does not only show the readers the typical linguistic act performed by uttering a sentence, but also gives the types of sentence for each example. Here are the pattern summarized by Hurford and Heasley in a chart (1983: 241): Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act Declarative Asserting Interrogative Asking Imperative Ordering Since the example, the researcher is able to mention several analyses surrounding the type of sentence and linguistic act: Dono: Do you see my crackers in my room? From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Interrogative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Give me information about my crackers!”) Dony: I saw your sister was in your room this morning, you know she loves what you like. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Asks to your sister!”) D. Effective and efficient role-taking 1. Background of Effective and efficient role-taking According to Malcolm Goodale in the book entitled “Effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings” informs that the purpose is to guide or conduct the readers in order to know how to be effective and efficient in leading or taking the role in English-speaking meetings (1995: 5). Moreover, to lead or take the role in such a meeting effectively and efficiently, a leader or chairman, beside he or she has to master or dominate the meeting language, a leader also ought to know the procedure for a meeting, especially for a formal meeting and be able to apply it in a real meeting. 2. Notion of Effective and efficient role-taking As what the researcher mentioned in the background of theory that to take the role in a meeting effectively and efficiently, beside a leader has to control the meeting language, he or she also be supposed to identify the procedure for a meeting, particularly for a formal meeting and be able to apply it in a real meeting. Here are the procedures for a formal meeting developed from Malcolm Goodale (1995: 120-123): a. Opening (a procedure to begin the meeting) b. The Minute (in this phase, someone reads the important notes of last meeting) c. The Agenda (the meeting outlines delivered in this step) d. The Subject (the purpose(s) or focus of meeting communicated, as well discus the problems are possible occurred in the meeting) e. Giving the Floor (the leader gives the occasion for a participant to say something about the point of view) f. Taking the Floor (a participant proposes to deliver his or her opinion) g. Finishing a Point (the phrase(s) here is(are) used to end the certain discussion, then move on the next agenda) h. Directing (it is worked as the participant(s) start(s) to be lost the main point) i. Keeping Order (the leader warns the participant(s) who is not keeping his or her order to do anything in the meeting) j. Moving to a New Point (moving on the next item of agenda) k. Postponing Discussion (if there is no any information in the meeting no-one has any objections, the leader is able to delay the meeting) l. Proposing (a participant presents his or her proposal or suggestion) m. Moving to a Vote (if there is no agreement, a vote must be held) n. Voting (any activities within the voting process) o. Consensus (general agreement) p. Any Other Business/ A.O.B. (at the last of meeting, the leader questions all participants about anything else to discuss) q. Closing (the leader declares the meeting closed) CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD AND DATA PRESENTATION A. Research Approach The methods of qualitative research usually use interview, observation, and documentation. In other word, the analysis in qualitative research concern in understanding the result of found data rather than calculate the result of found data. Moreover, Moleong said also that qualitative research is a research of which data in the forms of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed (2007: 6). Morse supposed in a book entitled “Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods” that the qualitative approach is a suitable method to discuss this research because the theories mentioned above support this approach. The process of doing qualitative research presents a challenge because procedures of organizing images are ill-defined (nonspecific) and rely on processes of inference, insight, logic, and luck, and eventually, with creativity and hard work, the results emerge as a coherent whole (1994: 1). Furthermore, associated to this research, the researcher uses descriptive study as what Surakhmad pointed out, descriptive method (study) tells about several possibilities to solve the actual case by data collection, construction or classification, analysis and interpretation (1989: 147). Its purpose is to describe what actually happens to procedures about method, which are useful in research. Finally, this approach is used as a guidance to conduct the research from the beginning until the end of work. It is supported by Mey as well, to know what people mean, you have to interpret what they say. But interpretation is tricky affair; misunderstandings are always possible and sometimes seem to be the rule rather than the exception. As Leech remarks, ‘Interpreting an utterance is ultimately a matter of guesswork, or (to use a more dignified term) hypothesis formation’ (1994: 100-101). B. Research Subject The subject of this research is the interpersonal meaning within English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010, and particularly the details in analyzing the students’ utterances or the speaker’s meaning examined by: 1. Theory of locution (act of saying something) 2. Theory of illocution (act of doing something) 3. Theory of perlocution (act of affecting someone). C. Source of Data The main source of data in this research is taken from English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010. D. Unit of Analysis The units of analysis in this research are words, phrases, clauses, sentences or utterances established in the findings of conversational text from English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010. E. Technique of Collecting Data 1. Finding Data The researcher seeks the data from English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010, and several relevant book references, for instance the main books entitled “Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings” by Malcolm Goodale or the book from Suparman “Guided Speaking: Practical Guide to Speak English.” 2. Data Transcription Remembered to Heritage’s notes written and taken by David Silverman in the book of “Interpreting Qualitative Data” that what may appear, at first hearing, to be interactionally ‘obvious’ can subsequently (via a transcript) be seen to based on precise mechanisms skillfully used by the participants, for instance, how speaker delays his refusal of hearer’s offer (1993: 119). For that reason, the researcher is sure and thinks he has to apply this technique to achieve the good conclusion. 3. Data Listing After finding data, the researcher lists them based on the types of interpersonal meaning. That is why this research intended to apply this technique in order to be easy for the researcher classifies the data. 4. Data Classification The researcher uses the list of data for classifying them according to the types of interpersonal meaning (divide into each locution, perlocution and illocution theory) in pragmatics analysis. For the clear perspective, here are the details in a diagram quoted and adapted from Septi Wulandari’s research paper “A Sociolinguistic Analysis of Politeness in Address Term Used in Titanic Movie Manuscript” (2006: 9): F. Technique of Analysis After the researcher found the data from English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010, the next step of data transcription is needed in order for the researcher be sure and thinks he has to apply this technique to achieve the good conclusion. Afterward the researcher lists them based on the types of interpersonal meaning. Then the researcher lists the data, because, this research intended to apply this technique in order to be easy for the researcher classifies the data. Finally, the researcher uses the list of data for classifying them according to the types of interpersonal meaning (divide into each locution, perlocution and illocution acts) in pragmatics analysis. For a clear perception, here is an example as guidance to analyze the data analysis: Consider the utterance You’d better do your own business. Parker assumed that illocutionary act and perlocutionary act change depending upon who is talking to whom (1986: 16), therefore, the researcher limits the context of the example above; that is an utterance by viewer or visitor of cinema when movie is playing to another visitor who make a noise. Not an utterance by director to the staff. Cinema visitor to another noisy visitor; You’d better do your own business. Its illocution act might be one of urging and its perlocution act might be one of irritating. Different with the utterance by director to the staff; the illocution act might be one of ordering and its perlocution act might be one of persuading or irritating. Those analyses show the clear views about illocution and perlocution acts vary with context. G. Data Presentation The researcher would like to show the data presentations taken from data transcriptions as guidance to discuss data analysis: Number Data Resource 1 T: Ok, thank you, I would like to comment on the problem of the final examination and entering test. …… U: May I interrupt you for a moment, please? UN vs. UMPTN 2 U: If I could say a word about the reason, why the government has this planning… S: Excuse me, but I think it’s relevant to add that the fact is not only would like to don’t be described, but also… UN vs. UMPTN 3 T: If you allow me to continue, final examination and prediction test cannot be combined, but it must be observed, because, the problem of it is different. U: If I’ve understood you correctly, you’re saying that there is different background between final examination and UMPTN, that’s right? UN vs. UMPTN 4 U: … I’m sorry I didn’t quite follow what you said that it’s time wondered for the student. T: Ouch, miss Speaker U, I think you’ve misunderstood me, final examination and prediction test are surely appearing many controversies... UN vs. UMPTN 5 L: I’m afraid if I don’t understand with what you mean, could you go over it again, please? R: Yes, of course, I think the point is the using of skin lightening should be limited. Skin Lightening 6 N: To summarize, I think we are in agreement on Speaker A’s views… A: Sorry… Sorry, I just interrupt you for a moment, my opinion is… Smoking Prohibition 7 U: … I wonder if you would like to comment, Mrs. Speaker R, I think you have to a make a point in this discussion. R: OK Mrs. Speaker U, I would give you an opinion, happy family is started from marriage … Happy Family 8 U: I’m sorry Mrs. Speaker R, I didn’t quite follow what you said about relationship between high intelligence with responsibility. R: I’m afraid there seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. Basically, what I’m trying to say is a smart couple would do more, that means he would work hard to complete the needs about the happy family. Happy Family 9 R: I strongly recommend that, happy family must build up the harmonious family not just to get much money. (earlier participant’s opinion) U: I totally agree with that statement. J: I’m afraid I can’t support the proposal. Because in fact, love goes well with money or material. Happy Family 10 Z: If I could say a word about Facebook, Majelis Ulama Indonesia said that Facebook is haram. L: Allow me to give the floor to Mr. Speaker F. F: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, I see fatwa haram of Facebook by Majelis Ulama Indonesia is not best, this fatwa is not realistic. Ulama should show the appropriate position, because Facebook also provides a positive impact. Facebook CHAPTER IV DATA ANALYSIS The method of data analysis is according to lexical pragmatics approach. Before discussion run, the steps of analyzing data presented by researcher through making the data transcription and list of data found in English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010. Followed by analyzing the data derived from the transcription, afterward he classifies them into the types of sentence, categorizes the typically linguistic acts. Decisively, the researcher distributes the types of interpersonal meaning (locution, illocution and perlocution theory) to get a pragmatics analysis. A. Discussion and Data Analysis 1. The conversation among Speaker T (university student), Speaker U (social organization activist student) and another participant in such a formal meeting talking about the government policy dealing with national examination (UN) and test for entering state university (UMPTN). (Data transcription entitled “UN vs. UMPTN”) 2) T: Ok, thank you, I would like to comment on the problem of the final examination and entering test. …… 2) U: May I interrupt you for a moment, please? Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act T Declarative Ordering U Interrogative Ordering 1.a. T : Ok, thank you, I would like to comment on the problem of the final examination and entering test. …… From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Pay attention, please!”) T : Ok, thank you, I would like to comment on the problem of the final examination and entering test. …… Locution act (”Speaker T wants all participants to pay attention”) Illocution act (”All participants listen to Speaker T”) Perlocution act 1.b. U : May I interrupt you for a moment, please? From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Interrogative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Give me time to speak, please!”) U : May I interrupt you for a moment, please? Locution act (”Speaker U wants Speaker T to give the time to speak”) Illocution act (”Speaker T stops talking and listen to Speaker U”) Perlocution act 2. The conversation among Speaker U (social organization activist student), Speaker S (meeting moderator) and another participant in such a formal meeting talking about the government policy dealing with national examination (UN) and test for entering state university (UMPTN). (Data transcription entitled “UN vs. UMPTN”) 4) U: If I could say a word about the reason, why the government has this planning… 5) S: Excuse me, but I think it’s relevant to add that the fact is not only would like to don’t be described, but also… Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act U Declarative Asking S Declarative Asserting 2.a. U : If I could say a word about the reason, why the government has this planning… From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asking (=”Could I take the floor?” or “Could I say something about…?”) U : If I could say a word about the reason, why the government has this planning… Locution act (”Speaker U asks to Speaker S to take the floor”) Illocution act (”Speaker S lets Speaker U takes the floor”) Perlocution act 2.b. S : Excuse me, but I think it’s relevant to add that the fact is not only would like to don’t be described, but also… From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”Everybody knows the fact”) S : Excuse me, but I think it’s relevant to add that the fact is not only would like to don’t be described, but also… Locution act (”Speaker S tells Speaker U that everybody knows the fact”) Illocution act (”Speaker U understands, then lets speaker S continues- the meeting”) Perlocution act 3. The conversation among Speaker T (university student), Speaker U (social organization activist student) and another participant in such a formal meeting talking about the government policy dealing with national examination (UN) and test for entering state university (UMPTN). (Data transcription entitled “UN vs. UMPTN”) 4) T: If you allow me to continue, final examination and prediction test cannot be combined, but it must be observed, because, the problem of it is different. 5) U: If I’ve understood you correctly, you’re saying that there is different background between final examination and UMPTN, that’s right? Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act T Declarative Asking U Interrogative Asking 3.a. T : If you allow me to continue, final examination and prediction test cannot be combined, but it must be observed, because, the problem of it is different. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asking (=”Could I say something about…?”) T : If you allow me to continue, final examination and prediction test cannot be combined, but it must be observed, because, the problem of it is different. Locution act (”Speaker T asks to moderator to say something”) Illocution act (”Moderator permits Speaker T to say something”) Perlocution act 3.b. U : If I’ve understood you correctly, you’re saying that there is different background between final examination and UMPTN, that’s right? From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Interrogative Linguistic act type : Asking (=”Could you repeat your opinions once more?”) U : If I’ve understood you correctly, you’re saying that there is different background between final examination and UMPTN, - that’s right? Locution act (”Speaker U asks for Speaker T’s confirmation (opinion)”) Illocution act (”Speaker T is little bit worry but she will do”) Perlocution act 4. The conversation among Speaker T (university student), Speaker U (social organization activist student) and another participant in such a formal meeting talking about the government policy dealing with national examination (UN) and test for entering state university (UMPTN). (Data transcription entitled “UN vs. UMPTN”) 7) U: … I’m sorry I didn’t quite follow what you said that it’s time wondered for the student. 7) T: Ouch, miss Speaker U, I think you’ve misunderstood me, final examina- tion and prediction test are surely appearing many controversies.. Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act U Declarative Asking T Declarative Asserting 4.a. U : … I’m sorry I didn’t quite follow what you said that it’s time wondered for the student. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asking (=”Could you repeat your opinions once more?”) U : … I’m sorry I didn’t quite follow what you said that it’s time wondered for the student. Locution act (”Speaker U asks to Speaker T to repeat the point”) Illocution act (”Speaker T is little bit worry but she will do”) Perlocution act 4.b. T : Ouch, miss Speaker U, I think you’ve misunderstood me, Final examina- tion and Prediction test are surely appearing many controversies.. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”Final examination and Prediction test have many problems”) T : Ouch, miss Speaker U, I think you’ve misunderstood me, Final examina- tion and Prediction test are surely appearing many contro- versies.. Locution act (”Speaker T tells Speaker U that Final examination and - Prediction test have many problems”) Illocution act (”Speaker U realizes her misunderstanding and take it”) Perlocution act 5. The conversation among Speaker L (meeting moderator), Speaker R (university student) and another participant in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the bad effects of using skin lightening on female body healthy. (Data transcription entitled “Skin Lightening”) 4) L: I’m afraid if I don’t understand with what you mean, could you go over it again, please? 9) R: Yes, of course, I think the point is the using of skin lightening should be limited. Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act L Interrogative Asking R Declarative Asserting 5.a. L : I’m afraid if I don’t understand with what you mean, could you go over it again, please? From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Interrogative Linguistic act type : Asking (=”Could you repeat your opinions once more?”) L : I’m afraid if I don’t understand with what you mean, could you go over it again, please? Locution act (”Speaker L asks to Speaker R to repeat the point”) Illocution act (”Speaker R does not worry and gladly to repeat”) Perlocution act 5.b R : Yes, of course, I think the point is the using of skin lightening should be limited. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”The Government must make a rule to limit the skin lightening product supplies”) R : Yes, of course, I think the point is the using of skin lightening should be limited. Locution act (”Speaker R tells Speaker L that government must limit - the product supplies”) Illocution act (”Speaker L realizes and supports the government to make- a rule for solving this problem”) Perlocution act 6. The conversation among Speaker A (young social observer), Speaker N (industrialist of famous tobacco factory) and another participant in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the controversy of smoking prohibition in society and analyzing the government policy concerning with this case. (Data transcription entitled “Smoking Prohibition”) 5) N: To summarize, I think we are in agreement on Speaker A’s views… 7) A: Sorry… Sorry, I just interrupt you for a moment, my opinion is… Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act N Declarative Ordering A Declarative Asserting 6.a. N : To summarize, I think we are in agreement on Speaker A’s views… From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Just have mutual understandings with me, please!”) N : To summarize, I think we are in agreement on - Speaker A’s views… Locution act (”Speaker N bids Speaker A to have an agreement”) Illocution act (”Speaker A delays Speaker N’s order”) Perlocution act 6.b. A : Sorry… Sorry, I just interrupt you for a moment, my opinion is… From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”I have another understanding”) A : Sorry… Sorry, I just interrupt you for a moment, my opinion is… Locution act (”Speaker A tells Speaker N that they’re not in agreement”) Illocution act (”Speaker N takes Speaker A’s argument disappointedly”) Perlocution act 7. The conversation among Speaker U (meeting moderator), Speaker R (the candidate of graduate student) and another participant in such a formal meeting, they talk going on for happy family, such as its requirements, characteristics, problems happened, solutions and all-around happy family. (Data transcription entitled “Happy Family”) 5) U: … I wonder if you would like to comment, Mrs. Speaker R, I think you have to a make a point in this discussion. 4) R: OK Mrs. Speaker U, I would give you an opinion, happy family is started from marriage … Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act U Declarative Ordering R Declarative Asserting 7.a. U : … I wonder if you would like to comment, Mrs. Speaker R, I think you have to a make a point in this discussion. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Make a comment, please!”) U : … I wonder if you would like to comment, Mrs. Speaker R, I think you have to a make a point in this discussion. Locution act (”Speaker U informs that Speaker R must make an - Argument”) Illocution act (”Speaker R understands and makes a point about that”) Perlocution act 7.b. R : OK. Mrs. Speaker U, I would give you an opinion, happy family is started from marriage … From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”Marriage is beginning of a happy family”) R : OK. Mrs. Speaker U, I would give you an opinion, happy family is started from marriage … Locution act (”Speaker R tells Speaker U that marriage is beginning - of a happy family”) Illocution act (”Speaker U appreciates but gives more ideas to her”) Perlocution act 8. The conversation among Speaker U (meeting moderator), Speaker R (the candidate of graduate student) and another participant in such a formal meeting, they talk going on for happy family, such as its requirements, characteristics, problems happened, solutions and all-around happy family. (Data transcription entitled “Happy Family”) 10) U: I’m sorry Mrs. Speaker R, I didn’t quite follow what you said about relationship between high intelligence with responsibility. 9) R: I’m afraid there seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. Basically, what I’m trying to say is a smart couple would do more, that means he would work hard to complete the needs about the happy family. Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act U Declarative Asking R Declarative Asserting 8.a. U : I’m sorry Mrs. Speaker R, I didn’t quite follow what you said about relationship between high intelligence with responsibility. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asking (=”Could you repeat your opinions once more?”) U : I’m sorry Mrs. Speaker R, I didn’t quite follow what you said about relationship between high intelligence with responsibility. Locution act (”Speaker U asks to Speaker R to repeat the point”) Illocution act (”Speaker R does not worry and re-phrasing simply”) Perlocution act 8.b. R : I’m afraid there seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. Basically, what I’m trying to - say is a smart couple would do more, that means he would work hard to complete the needs about the happy family. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”A smart couple will think effectively the best way to complete their happy family’s needs”) R : I’m afraid there seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. Basically, what I’m trying to - say is a smart couple would do more, that means he would work hard to complete the needs about the happy family. Locution act (”Speaker R tells Speaker U that the high intelligence couple - will work effectively to complete their responsibility”) Illocution act (”Speaker U realizes her misunderstanding and continues - the meeting”) Perlocution act 9. The conversation among Speaker U (meeting moderator), Speaker R (the candidate of graduate student) and Speaker J (the candidate of graduate student) in such a formal meeting, they talk going on for happy family, such as its requirements, characteristics, problems happened, solutions and all-around happy family. (Data transcription entitled “Happy Family”) 10) R: I strongly recommend that, happy family must build up the harmonious family not just to get much money. (earlier participant’s opinion) 12) U: I totally agree with that statement. 8) J : I’m afraid I can’t support the proposal. Because in fact, love goes well with money or material. Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act R Declarative Asserting U Declarative Asserting J Declarative Ordering 9.a. R : I strongly recommend that, happy family must build up the harmonious family not just to get much money. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”Much money cannot guarantee the happy family”) R : I strongly recommend that, happy family must build up the harmonious family not just to get much money. Locution act (”Speaker R conveys to all participants that the happy family - doesn’t always need much money”) Illocution act (”Speaker U agrees, but Speaker J disagrees”) Perlocution act 9.b. U : I totally agree with that statement. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”Much money cannot guarantee the happy family”) U : I totally agree with that statement. Locution act (”Speaker U confirms to Speaker R that the happy family - doesn’t always need much money”) Illocution act (” Speaker J is expressing opposition to that statement”) Perlocution act 9.c. J : I’m afraid I can’t support the proposal. Because in fact, love goes well with money or material. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Just think about it!”) J : I’m afraid I can’t support the proposal. Because in fact, love goes well with money or material. Locution act (”Speaker J disagrees with both Speaker R and U’s statement, moreover, they can relies that love needs money as well”) Illocution act (” Speaker R and Speaker U are re-thinking”) Perlocution act 10. The conversation among Speaker L (meeting moderator), Speaker F (Islamic boarding house graduate student) and Speaker Z (Islamic university student) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about controversy of using Facebook occurred to most of teenagers in Indonesia, especially for Indonesian Islamic students. (Data transcription entitled “Facebook”) 5) Z: If I could say a word about facebook, Majelis Ulama Indonesia said that Facebook is haram. 6) L: Allow me to give the floor to Mr. Speaker F. 5) F: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, I see fatwa haram of Facebook by Majelis Ulama Indonesia is not best, this fatwa is not realistic. Ulama should show the appropriate position, because Facebook also provides a positive impact. Here are the patterns of sentence type, typical linguistic acts and its pragmatics analysis prediction (illocution and perlocution act) for the sentences above: Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act Z Declarative Asserting L Declarative Ordering F Declarative Ordering 10.a. Z : If I could say a word about facebook, Majelis Ulama Indonesia said that Facebook is haram. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Asserting (=”MUI forbids Facebook”) Z : If I could say a word about facebook, Majelis Ulama Indonesia said that Facebook is haram. Locution act (”Speaker Z conveys to all participants that MUI forbids - Facebook”) Illocution act (”Speaker F is in softening neutral disagreement”) Perlocution act 10.b. L : Allow me to give the floor to Mr. Speaker F. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Mr. Speaker F, give me a comment, please!”) L : Allow me to give the floor to Mr. Speaker F. Locution act (”Speaker L allows Speaker F to give opinion”) Illocution act (”Speaker F expresses disagreement to that statement”) Perlocution act 10.c. F : I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, I see fatwa haram of Facebook by Majelis Ulama Indonesia is not best, this fatwa is not realistic. Ulama should show the appropriate position, because Facebook also provides a positive impact. From the sentence’s situation, found out the analysis: Sentence type : Declarative Linguistic act type : Requesting or Ordering (=”Just think about it!”) F : I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, I see fatwa haram of Facebook by Majelis Ulama Indonesia is not best, this fatwa is not realistic. Ulama should show the appropriate position, because Facebook also provides a positive impact. Locution act (”Speaker F is in disagreement with Speaker Z, because Facebook has positive impact as well”) Illocution act (” Speaker Z quiet disagrees with Speaker F’s opinion”) Perlocution act B. Finding Subsequent to analyze the data from English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010 using the theory from Frank Parker (1986) which help the researcher to categorize the utterance into locution, illocution and perlocution acts. Then the theory from Hurford and Heasley (1983) that help the researcher to analyze the sentences of data regarding to the sentence type and typical linguistic acts. In addition to Goodale’s book (1995) about effective and efficient way to take the role in formal meeting, it helps the researcher very much to know the procedure to deliver thoughts and acts. Even the book helps to understand the meaning of phrases used in formal meeting as well. Finally, the researcher is able to present a pragmatics analysis. There are eight titles of formal meetings or conversation videos found in the final project of Speaking III in academic year of 2009-2010, for each title of formal meeting consist of one, three until four participants joined in eight groups of meeting. All data have been interpreted through data transcription; however, there are several disordered data that cannot be used to this research because of human error and technology error or problem on recording. In order that researcher is only able to get twenty-two conversations that he divides into ten groups of conversational text for formal meeting. As well as the conversational text which can be analyzed by pragmatics analysis through the speakers’ meaning are exposed in details as follows: The Chart of Speakers’ Meaning According to Hurford and Heasley (1983) English Department Students’ Conversation Videos of Speaking III in the Academic Year of 2009-2010 Number Speaker Sentence Type Typical Linguistic Act 1 2) T Declarative Ordering 2 2) U Interrogative Ordering 3 4) U Declarative Asking 4 5) S Declarative Asserting 5 4) T Declarative Asking 6 5) U Interrogative Asking 7 7) U Declarative Asking 8 7) T Declarative Asserting 9 4) L Interrogative Asking 10 9) R Declarative Asserting 11 5) N Declarative Ordering 12 7) A Declarative Asserting 13 5) U Declarative Ordering 14 4) R Declarative Asserting 15 10) U Declarative Asking 16 9) R Declarative Asserting 17 10) R Declarative Asserting 18 12) U Declarative Asserting 19 8) J Declarative Ordering 20 5) Z Declarative Asserting 21 6) L Declarative Ordering 22 5) F Declarative Ordering CHAPTER V CLOSURE Conclusively the researcher presents the closure into two parts, conclusion and suggestion, in this chapter five conclusion tells about the analysis of data and all findings gotten from English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010, along with suggestion who advises the academic workers who work surrounding this subject’s setting (State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga), especially for English department students and lecturers. For further ideas of conclusion and suggestion, resercher introduces as follows: A. Conclusion In accordance with this research objective, the researcher would like to delivers the conclusion as presented below: 1. This research has guided and helped the researcher to find the kinds of interpersonal meaning, they are perlocution and illocution act found in English department students’ conversation videos of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010 and he has also categorized it into each locution, perlocution and illocution acts by using Frank Parker’s theory (1986) to get a pragmatics analysis, 2. Conversational text derived from the final project of Speaking III in the academic year of 2009-2010 has worked optimally as the proof to see the benefits of interpersonal meaning theory (locution, perlocution and illocution acts) to the effective and efficient role-taking in a formal meeting, because of Hurford and Heasley’s thought (1983) and Goodale’s book (1995), the researcher is able to understand the sentence type and typical linguistic acts which took the researcher to the meanings of utterance (conversational text), then the researcher is able to apply the procedures to perform in formal meeting by analysing the meaning of utterances in formal ways as well, 3. In a great expectation, by applying this research data and analysis, English-speaking convesation is able to be effective and efficient in taking the role, because, English academic workers are able to understand the interpersonal meaning theory by classifying the sentence type and typical linguistic acts well. B. Suggestion Anchored in the research conclusions above, the researcher is going to present three suggestions to support the researcher’s expectation: 1. English students must have a big desire and passion to reach their own hope and keep the responsibilities for their parents by studying hard and learning English skills deeply to get their better future, 2. English academic workers, especially for the English lecturers in STAIN Salatiga expected to be able to interpret their students’ needs and abilities to face their real occupation world by preparing the graduate student candidates the whole English skills (speaking skill in this case) to be applied correctly. 3. State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga wished for designing the English student curriculum by evaluating the achievements, failures and the world needs afterward. BIBLIOGRAPHY Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2006 Cahyono, Bambang Yudi, Kristal-Kristal Ilmu Bahasa, Airlangga University Press, Surabaya, 1995 Goodale, Malcolm, Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1995 Humphrey, Keiko Muto, Discourse Analysis through Interpersonal Meaning, (38)/05.pdf. Hurford, James R. and Heasley, Brendan, Semantics: a coursebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983 Keraf, Gorys, Komposisi, Sebuah Pengantar Kemahiran Berbahasa, Nusa Indah, Flores, 1984 Mey, Jacob L., Pragmatics an Introduction, Blackwell Publisher, Oxford, 1994 Moleong, Lexy J., Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, PT. 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(Speaker U) The conversation among Speaker S (meeting moderator), Speaker T (university student) and Speaker U (social organization activist student) in such a formal meeting talking about the government policy dealing with national examination (UN) and test for entering state university (UMPTN). 1) S : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.…. Good morning everybody, how are you today? 1) T : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. Good morning, we are fine, thank you 1) U : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. Good morning, we are fine, thank you 2) S : OK, in this occasion, I am the moderator and in my right hand is miss Titin Syaifah and my left hand is miss Uswatun Hasanah. Well, as we know that at this time the students of 9th grade of junior high school and the students of 12nd grade of senior high school are preparing the exercise to do the final examination that will be held about 2 or 3 months later, actually our government has some changes related to the doing of final examination. For instance, the adding of subject from three subjects, now it becomes six subjects and the average of graduation standard from 5.0, now it increases being 5.25, and the later is to let the final examination that usually cause any controversy will be combined with the test for entering a university that is implicated. I think this is the fatal of two, the next I will give time to miss Syaifah to present her views about this topic. 3) S : Mrs. Syaifah I would like to hear your views about the combining about final examination and the test for entering the university. Please. 2) T : Ok, thank you, I would like to comment on the problem of the final examination and entering test. Indonesia UN and UMPTN, in my personality I disagree about it, remember, still appear many problems and controversy, so please don’t add the students’ problem, it makes students more complicated. 2) U : May I interrupt you for a moment, please? 4) S : Maybe Mrs. Uswah, would like to make a point? 3) U : Yes, thank you, I’m wondering I could comment on that point, in my opinion, I think that our government can combine about final examination and UMPTN, the students can do more simply, I don’t completely agree with you on that. 3) T : It seems to me, but in application not as easy as the theory, it’s real many obstacles, for example, the students were confused in this case. 4) U : If I could say a word about the reason, why the government has this planning, because the government always hears many complaints from the public, and the public always said that they could not enter the university because the cost to tax for entering the university is so expensive, and we have to know and as we know actually there are many advantages from this planning, firstly, the students can be more briefly, and secondly, the students must not drop many time to study hard twice, so just study hard in final examination. 5) S : Excuse me, but I think it’s relevant to add that the fact is not only would like to don’t be described, but also it would the students more complicated. In one hand, they need not necessary to spend much time and much money to follow selection test, but on the other hand, there are the point to study harder, harder and harder again, so we must consider both of them positive and negative impacts that will be appear, because of the combining among final examination and test for entering a university. 4) T : If you allow me to continue, final examination and prediction test cannot be combined, but it must be observed, because, the problem of it is different. 5) U : If I’ve understood you correctly, you’re saying that there is different background between final examination and UMPTN, that’s right? 6) S : Perhaps miss Syaifah would had to go over that. 5) T : Ehem.. As I see in understood of colleges searching they will limit the prospective students based on the colleges, not just from academic reason, it is not fair to students who want to spend the education to new university, because they must allow the other examinations again and again, that is impossible. 6) U : I’m afraid I’m not clear what you imply that. 7) S : Perhaps miss Syaifah would get to answer that. 6) T : Yach.. in my opinion we must consider all of the aspects, not just for the our government’s wisdom. 8) S : Miss Uswatun, would you get to comment, again? 7) U : Yes, thank you, I’m sorry I didn’t quite follow what you said that it’s time wondered for the student. 7) T : Ouch… miss Uswatun, I think you’ve misunderstood me, final examination and prediction test are surely appearing many controversies, right? 8) U : Yes, yes 8) T : Why, because, there are many receives that happened and it is got done by the school, how.. the plan’s school. There are many students who cannot part whether examination. In the next period maybe there is no one who enter to that school, for school, enter or not in the university is the next problem, the most important, the students must graduate earlier. 9) U : Ok. 9) S : Ehm… I think miss Syaifah is right and I agree with her. And sometime that not at all of the graduated students start to continue their study in the university, it is possible that many of them want to find a job, and many of them want to follow a course and there are many of them who want to go to marry. Isn’t that right? 10) U: Yes. 10) S : Ehm… would you like to comment it, miss Uswatun? 11) U: Yes, for you miss Syaifah, could you give us some details about your last point? I was wondering if you could explain about your experience. 9) T : Sure, simply, the way of final examination and predictive test, the predictive test proposes to measure the prospective students’ selection, whereas the final examination proposes to measure the achievement of students. For that reason, someone who success in the examination has not ectopically success in the predictive test. whenever not all of the graduates continue their education, it must be done by revise the system or technical of the examination works. 11) S : I think that’s all and to summary I think we’re in agreement or not for you, that is work of final examination and test for entering the university, it’s two kind of difference goals; the first, the final examination is a test to measure the result of the students scoring after they have learnt for three years, and second, test for entering the university is a test or a prediction test to select the prospective students appropriate with their competence, their talents and their seniority I think it’s very difficult to combine both of them, because its backgrounds are different, in addition, not of all the graduated students design to continue their education in a university. Moreover, the final examination combined with the test for entering a university would make students more complicated, I believe that force the students who continue their study is wrong, and the most important is the students must graduate earlier then give them a priority to choose whether they design to continue their study in a university or not. The last but not at least, is the work of final examination should be revised in order to go well, and any cheats that happened could be reduced. I think that’s all and thanks for your attention, thanks for your coming. 10) T : You’re welcome 11) U: You’re welcome 12) S : And the last… Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 11) T : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 12) U: Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. SKIN LIGHTENING Liya Khoirun A. (Speaker L), Liya Anisah (Speaker A) and Rumza N. (Speaker R) The conversation among Speaker L (meeting moderator), Speaker A (young kindergarten teacher) and Speaker R (university student) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the bad effects of using skin lightening on female body healthy. 1) L : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. Good morning, how are you today? 1) A : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. I’m fine… and you? 1) R : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. I’m fine… and you? 2) L : I’m fine too, ehm…. Here I would like to explain about two things, the bad effect of skin lightening and the connection with sun skin irritation, and also very infecting disease that is skin cancer… I would like to explain about the bad effects of using skin lightening, and woman needs especially in Indonesia, here I will discuss about the needs to perfect and beautiful woman or beauty needs for women. Most of women in Indonesia use skin lightening because they are not perfect women. Ehm… perhaps they watch relies that many beautiful women around them. Moreover, Indonesia is still in Asia region and this case make them are able to adjust their skin, on the other hand the bad effect of using skin lightening is the indication of skin irritation. Then is skin cancer, of course it’s not good for our health, ehm… for example; there was a girl who is still in senior high school and she used skin lightening, but she didn’t aware with the product, then she got skin problem, and her skin suffered skin cancer. E… what do you think of skin lightening? 2) R : I think technology almost from all women, especially in suffice, they were using the product and they knew the effects of it. But, they all are fine they don’t aware the bad effect of it, and they always use it too, I always open my mind to think something like this, why people never gratitude with God given, God gives us the healthy skin and gives us a feel to taste all of around us, we just keep it in healthy, it is important key, so we unnecessary to change ourselves. Perhaps from some people the effect of skin lightening is not directly damage our skin, our body I mean. But together with the time the contents of it can damage our internal organ, and it can revealed after long use it, we will get it. Mrs. Liya, you have heard my arguments about the bad effect of skin lightening, right? It is very dangerous for your skin; yes I know that you are using some products. 2) A : Yes. 3) R : So, what is your reaction about my explanation? 3) A : Yes, I know that using skin lightening has effect for our body, especially for our skin, but I think we necessary to use it, more simple, skin lightening can help women to change their face skin, brighter than before, perhaps it’s not clues relies if use it, right? You don’t aware about it too, I can see your face is more brighter than your hand skin, if I know you use the product too? 4) R : Ya 4) A : Yes? What about it all? 5) R : But, really I don’t agree at all, honestly I use the product but I know the value of it, if I want to use it. I just use it for twice in a day, and I also don’t like baste in my face too long time, and always clean it directly after I got the activity, for one case, I realize this is wrong, but now, you know my way to use it, right? 5) A : Yes, but I agree with my argument that the skin lightening is necessary to use it, because as a woman, we are women need a beauty, especially we are students and still teenager, moreover, we have a boy friend, there are much need to be more beautiful in front of our boyfriend, sometimes as a man or a boy will complain our performance or our personality. 6) R : But not at all the boy I think. 6) A : Yes, of course, but we must perfect and we have to be beautiful women in front of our boyfriend, so they not feel boring when they are with us. 3) L: May I interrupt you for a moment…. You know, I agree with Mrs. Rumza, she said like this, a boy will not think about your beauty, I mean physically, but I think they will see your inner beauty, not from physically. Let see to ask the woman offer here (Mrs. Rumza). 7) R: Just ask her too, what about your opinion of beauty? The beauty is the beauty, and I know almost all the men in the world like a beauty, but not all the men are honest with their selves, same with the women sometimes they say the beauty is not important, the more important is their brains, and then they want to show the women perfectly. In my explanation, you can take some notes that beauty is not too important, right? 7) A : Yes, but don’t be hypocrite, may I disturb your attention to the fact that all people, especially women who has good performs, they want to have a smooth, brighter, light skin and then of course without acne. Can we come happiness the cover from our face skin? It’s attended to effect, by our mood, so I talk before that our beauty is more important than our inner beauty, because we must clean our face, and then remark our face more brighter, so all people like if they meet us. 8) R : And look at you? (Laughing) 8) A : Yes, of course. 4) L : I’m afraid if I don’t understand with what you mean, could you go over it again, please? 9) R : Yes, of course, I think the point is the using of skin lightening should be limited. Perhaps the government should make rule to limit products that come from China, Europe and Korea. 9) A : It’s all right, perhaps I could return to that point, letter on why we talk about the government? It’s not relation with them. Yes? 10) R: Ya… but, we know that some products that come to Indonesia must passing took, or the government… yach something like that.. 10) A: But, it’s our privacy to use something to our own body and then to get something special maybe to our face, perhaps we also look for satisfied in ourselves, so we don’t be obey the government’s rule. 11) R: I’m certain about you’re argue. 11) A: As we know our body is our problem, then we use skin lightening we can more beautiful and more confident in other place 12) R: You can tell me about the function of skin lightening. 12) A: The function of skin lightening of course to prevent something damage our skin. And our face skin, sure. 5) L : I would like/ I would certain give my backing to your argument, perhaps I have to analyze skin lightening, but may I not still use it, because I also consider you’re argue about it. In fact, to make our face to be perfect and it’s difficult, because to make it perfect and brighter we should use skin lightening, except we have white genetics from our parents. 13) R: But, I also …….. about your argue, you know that the genetic skin generation can help your skin better than before, you must not use the hard product to change, perhaps you can follow me, ehm… I was using the traditional product to make my skin healthy; you can change your product by honey, or fruit essence or the other natural material, right? 6) L : …Yach… 14) R: It’s not contain a chemical. 7) L : I’m not sure I can get that, because sometimes we are difficult to use or to get naturally essence, because sometimes it’s too expensive. 15) R: No, if you want to choose honey, to make your skin more bright, you just spend Rp 1.000 to buy a sachet of honey something like that. 8) L : Does the product work? I mean that the product can make my face or my skin brighter. 16) R: Yach.. I think this is natural, you know some usefulness of honey that can make less your acne, and so on. It is the nice way to get the better. Maybe you (Lia) want to say something? 13) A: No.. 17) R: Because she (Lia) will use the product to change her face, right? 9) L : Do you really want to use the skin lightening is like from Korea, China, etc? 18) R: As we know that the product can damage your skin, yach.. I can see your skin more brighter than before, but if you want to stop your using it, your face skin will be back dark is like some time ago. Black again, acne, what do you think of that? 14) A: No, I still use skin lightening, because it’s important and can help us to change my face skin, so I still continue to use the product from China or Korea, I think it’s not suitable when we use a traditional ways, it’s not necessary. 19) R: But, the traditional way is more cheap than modern way, you must spend much money just want to buy a moisturizer or cleansing milk and others, it control your budget. 10) L : Or maybe we can use scrub to clean our skin, I think it’s not too make our skin brighter, but it can make our skin more clean. 15) A: May I interrupt you for a moment? Perhaps as just state with Mrs. Lia opinion that all of cases in inner beauty not only from our skin, but also come from our behavior. How if our parents’ genetic is back? Of course, we want to make over our skin, our face be white. 20) R: But, I think even though my parents’ genetic is white, we can change our skin more white, like Michael Jackson, he got big problem when he change his skin, the skin was so worse. 16) A: I think our discuss is out of discuss, because the first we talk about skin lightening, and now w talk about Michael Jackson, so I think we can continue our discussion, to back our discuss about skin lightening. We must sharp our discussion in the effect of it. Same with Mrs. Rumza arguments that we must secure our skin by traditional way, it’s more perfect to our skin. 11) L : From my opinion and my last opinion I think as well as the use is not too much and appropriate with our needs, I mean our beauty and body needs as long as the body doesn’t except it’s Ok I think. But if it’s so dangerous must be stop. Because beauty is not based on physically, but also support by our brain, beauty and our mind. 17) A: I think our discussion is enough, We can continue next time maybe. 12) L : Thanks for your attention. See you CELEBRATING VALENTINE DAY Rini (Speaker R), Mudrikah (Speaker M) and Siti Zuriyah (Speaker Z) The conversation among Speaker R (meeting moderator), Speaker M (university student) and Speaker Z (Islamic organization activist student) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the controversy of celebrating valentine day for Moslem, especially for Indonesian Islamic students. 1) R : Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, I declare the meeting open. Let’s open our meeting by basmalah together. 1) M : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim 1) Z : Bismillaahirrahmaanirrahiim 2) R : I would like to comment about valentine day celebrate, we have special moment in February later, of course we like in dating and love in this day, it is very popular for teenager especially, it was commonly in western culture, there are contrasts with Islamic culture, how it is written by invite Zuriyah and Mudrikah let hear their opinion about valentine. Mrs. Zuriyah, what is your opinion about valentine day in Islamic perspective? 2) Z : Thanks Miss Rini about the time in this case, I would like to compare the problem of valentine day with Islamic perspective. The moment on 14th February is not suitable for us, especially adolescent in the world, and I think everyone comments and can get it, Wednesday... of course it’s valentine day, the day that full of love and give something are like chocolate, greeting card, flower and jewelry. Actually it’s the western culture especially christen. It is wrong, so that valentine day is not appear in Islamic law, I don’t know why now the celebrating valentine day is popular in our adolescent environment especially Islamic adolescent. 3) R : I wondered if you would like to comment, Mrs. Mudrikah. 2) M : Thanks for your time miss. Rini, because I’m happy in this special dialogue about celebrating the valentine day. After I saw mrs. Zuriyah’s opinion, I totally disagree because it is not big problem for teenager like that, about her opinion for forbid valentine day, it is not only effective way for someone by giving the love only for his/her sweetheart, but also for all human being in the world. I cannot imagine if we live without love in our life. 4) R : I would say that Mrs. Mudrikah’s opinion commonly because our teenagers like to celebrate valentine day, Mrs. Zuriyah, what is your comment? 3) Z : Ok, thanks Miss Rini, if in my opinion why our adolescent are not allowed to celebrate valentine day, we can see the valentine day history, valentine is originally the name is VALENTINO, he Islamic he is valentine him to pay he celebrate however and valentine day totally February Christian Europe 14th February look for the couple on 14th February 4) R : I would like to hear Miss Mudrikah’s opinion about Mrs. Zuriyah’s. 3) M : Understand ability they have 4) Z : I agree with you Miss Mudrikah muslimah introduce in Islamic perspective don’t follow if you don’t know Islam followed other in Islamic Rasulullah said and Allah said in surah Ali Imron 5) R : I don’t want to interrupt, but but also everyday what your comment miss mudrikah? 4) M : Good reason for us for by the men said that not that giving our life 5) Z : Ok, miss Mudrikah understand valentine day bad have already valentine it is not of human life Islam not in Islam surah al-Baqarah follow after knowledge it is not to ear our religion follow lot forever under they Rasulullah said like he in common in valentine day party attention in Allah we cannot our or our our and argument about Islam the most tolerance in the world 5) M : Human being give the solidarity among of people people come from what this is like it is really important 6) Z : Ok, with permission, ISLAM they just recognize they life children Islam is religion and particularly inside that 14th February 1492 in Spain celebrate valentine day our god, our prophet Muhammad 6) M : Celebrate valentine good for them lot of whether celebrate or not Islamic law 6) R : Celebrate valentine day everyday is day let me conclude Miss Zuriyah and Miss Mudrikah opinion celebrate valentine day celebrate or not let meeting by saying hamdalah 7) M : Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamiin 7) Z : Alhamdulillahi rabbil ‘alamiin 7) R : Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 8) M : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 8) Z : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. SMOKING PROHIBITION Trimanto (Speaker T), Anwar H.S. (Speaker A) and Nana Silvia (Speaker N) The conversation among Speaker T (meeting moderator), Speaker A (young social observer) and Speaker N (industrialist of famous tobacco factory) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the controversy of smoking prohibition in society and analyzing the government policy concerning with this case. 1) T : First of all, if we are here let’s get start the formal meeting for this day. I would like you to join me please to discuss about smoking prohibition. And in here there are two resource persons, and beside of my left there is Mr. Anwar as social observer, good morning Mr. 1) A : Good Morning. 2) T : And then the other one there is Miss Nana as industrialist of tobacco, good morning Miss Nana, 1) N : Good Morning. 3) T : Ok, I would now like do turn preview to the problem of smoking prohibition, as we know that there are many perceptions, arguments, and what is… the idea to reaction about this case, many social thesis opinion that prohibition can give one way less about activities smoker in our environment, e… I would like to hear your views, maybe Mr. Anwar first, about this prohibition. 2) A : Yes, thank you, I would tend to agree with you on that, as we know that smoking a lot of giving negative effect for us, especially effect to heart, not to mention the impact to other aspect and environment. E.. in consequence I very agree that e.. with released by a law in Indonesia that e... to government about prohibition to smoking common in there, I very agree, that a prohibition order smoking public in united state institute of medicine in America, I know that the pollution about cigarette can lesson heart attack risk still 47 % of our body, it’s so very dangerous for our body. 4) T : Ok, thank you Mr. Anwar, and then I would like to hear your views Miss Nana as an industrialist of cigarette, what is your views?, e.. reaction to talk about this prohibition? 2) N : Have some sympathy with your position, but this is really really hence this real meaning officer cigarette has many lovers, how to mention changes our farmer to tobacco fields are also worried. Moreover, as we know that industries’ smoking is constituter or we can retribution in this country, so this law must request to study furthermore. 5) T : Ok, like as we know, beside this law, MUI has plan to release e… maybe person say about… as released religious advice smoke, which possible will give new way in Indonesia. Perhaps Mr. Anwar can give opinion about this released religious smoke. 3) A : Perhaps I could resume the statement, e… sometime ago MUI released religious advice about illegitimate of cigarette, it’s very good idea in around of religious advice even also, what is it…? Out of differed a number of media especially in a electric media, the prohibition of smoking in Indonesia, necessary in Indonesia is very out, according tomorrow a view is like three views maybe in al-Qur’an we can know that smoking give negative impact for us as a bad effect for us, and then central agreement with the MUI for a illegitimate a cigarette because the negative impact of generated by cigarette is very dangerous. 6) T : It’s very dangerous. 4) A : Yes, it hard to our heart and can burn ourselves. 7) T : Ok, now could I ask for Miss Nana to give reaction about the opinion of MUI’s planning to release about illegitimate religious of smoke, what is your reviews about this MUI’s plan? 3) N : To be more specific there are no one except also, one of sentence al-Qur’an and hadits expressing especially surely about this illegitimate of cigarette. They also have argument to contributive by Fiqh Qa’idah expressing, come from everything that might expect there are so many illegality, the book has conclusion that smoking is fine, even it is usually in medical side and economy side. 8) T : Ok, then from Mr. Anwar, how yourself, If you would into your problem? 5) A : Thank you, smoke is according to Indonesia religious advice of cigarette, how do not money used to positive thing is useful? Continuously burned and argument of released religious advice, the cigarette strengthen al-Qur’an that said don’t do to oneself damage live from the child. I think that analogy shows the dangerous of cigarette. Then this religious advice can be first step to help the problem. 9) T : Ok, smoking prohibition, which issued by religion is of course make a complicated. I do not only in evaluation of religion faith, but health part or economic health. How do you answer Miss Nana to give opinion about it? 4) N : If we’re view from health aspect, it’s too harming, but if in smoking aspect regularly at least for will be decrease smoking effect, then for economic aspect that industry smoking in Indonesia is contributor of biggest on the list, become indirectly position to positive effect for industry in Indonesia, even this industry also exists government in less of ranked. 10) T : Ok, maybe Mr. Anwar can give short explanation about the prohibition of smoking. 6) A : Yes, that’s true, the cigarette is earning economic effect, but, how happen with the next generation, it’s bad effect for the next generation, now, people search money, or change their life, maybe to reason have much money, I think it’s not good for next generation and give bad effect for our generation. 11) T : What is your last point miss nana? As an industrialist of tobacco. How is your little explanation about the plan of government to release the prohibition of smoking? 5) N : To summarize, I think we are in agreement on Mr. Anwar’s views, but as imposed there are no doubt that many advantages from cigarette industry are like labor problem, retribution and many people who depend on this industry, such as a labor and tobacco farmer. 12) T : Ok, e… in the… 7) A : Sorry… Sorry I just interrupt you for a moment, my opinion is industrial of cigarette just think the money, they not to think about children, about effect to our environment, I’m sad about it, as we know that the cigarette industrial just keep their money and not think about environment in Indonesia. 13) T : Ok, thanks for all, maybe we can close the meeting for this day and maybe I’m as the moderator in here and give some little summaries about this smoking prohibition, there is important to give more attention our future, our next generation about the effect of smoking, but on the other hand, we must look around the labor who work in cigarette factory and moreover there are tobacco farmers who keep their life in this industry. I think that’s all and I think the government must be carefully to release the prohibition, I think that’s all thank you for your coming in this day, maybe we can discuss again in another time, Ok, thank you Mr. Anwar. 8) A : Thank you 14) T : Thank you Miss Nana 6) N : Thank you 15) T : Ok, I think that’s all the meeting for this day, thank you for your attention, maybe we can continue the other meeting in the other time. Thank you. CEC’S HOLIDAY PROGRAM Asri D.W. (Speaker A), Prayuni (Speaker P) and Siti Khomsah (Speaker S) The conversation among Speaker A (meeting moderator), Speaker P (CEC’s member/English department student) and Speaker S (CEC’s member/English department student) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the plan to hold suitable activities in holiday program of Communicative English Club (CEC) of STAIN Salatiga. 1) A : Good morning everybody 1) P : Morning 1) S : Morning 2) A : Thank’s for coming today, Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 2) P : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 2) S : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 3) A : Salatiga I have any other for the STAIN Salatiga department STAIN salatiga free very important can point everyone about 3) P : Ok, I think your point program I think other time I seminar can combine many aspects Islamic English department can be one so more interesting if we the time 10 until 3) S : I agree with Asri better held seminar a part for example we must use English answer and other our English skill especially in don’t when freedom more also many help long time for example prepare seminar more one moth I think long vacation each other follow enough and all don’t come back 4) A : Ok, we can our skill is not difficult English is fun I believe that not active people to material so I think realize our and grammar and maybe that activity not only English department can follow them and they can learn about English they can English is not difficult is fun and easy appreciation student the future can I think 4) P : Ok, I agree with Asri activity English from the other seminar so ideas in seminar the time so not only aspect involve in seminar if the more you can to follow your idea 4) S : Had long vacation e… we must I think from other when you can share about everything about money speak English language correct our English language can so we can I think we must we must be patient 5) P : Agree our mind examination so we can get the point idea and also get many base on in speaking we can without pay attention speak many other not only we get in but also we can speak material in the moment problem I agree with 1) A : From one opinion and you can help and if we from the and learn about follow we can I the next about program Ok for me the meting with hamdallah together, Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb... Thank you. 6) P : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb... You’re welcome. 5) S : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb... You’re welcome. LISTENING DISABILITY Siwi (Speaker S) The conversation among Speaker A (meeting moderator and young elementary school teacher) and two other participants (not displayed in this data transcription) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about the problem of listening disability happened to several school year students in Indonesia. Speaker S also discusses concerning to its effects and solutions. 1) S : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.… Good morning friend, here I want to present about my topic “listening disability” First of all thanks to Allah Who has given mercy and blessing to us, to the Prophet Muhammad saw who took us from the darkness to the lightness. Ok, now I will continue my topic listening disability. Having a listening disability doesn’t mean you cannot learn, but you will need some parts and you will need to work extra hard, if you have a listening disability, you have trouble with math remember that you are not slow and daft. Now listening disability happen because of the way of person try to process information, as a result, people learn difficult and differently, Ok the trick will be figuring out how you learn bad, there are people how know how to do that, your parent maybe and your teacher, they all can help you they can find for you a specialist psychology and maybe a special psychology school, and someone’s listening disability problem has fallen the family member, they put them the professional can help figure out your problem. What a kid learning problem and what are listening disability? listening disability are not compared the activities can be genetic that means they can be part down if family throw the gen is like many other they got from parent and grandparent. Someone with a listening disability have family member who have had some learning to get troubles too. Kid with a learning problem are sometime to try to find out that one of their parents has single problem, How do I know if I have listening disability? It’s very hard for us to keep, to know if he or she listening disability, but don’t have to figure out on their own what a kid needed to do it for someone, start with your teacher and your mom or dad, even if you feel a little see about them, but your problem could reading maybe you read chapter or home work and then can remember anything you read or incorrect maybe everyone is serious to follow along yearly, but you get start and don’t know that everyone or you may open your book to do own assignment and have no idea when to start. Keep listening disability is to answer “yes” to man “yes” of the question, do you struggle in school? do you think you’re sure better than you are in school? and it’s reading harder for you then it should be that your hearing one think but your hand write something, something else writing slow and clearly is hard for you, and do you make spelling and other errors when you write? Ach... You’re having difficulty with make, and the last, is it hard for you to keep your note book and paper organized? Do you when up losing or forgetting them? HAPPY FAMILY Ulfa N.K. (Speaker U), Siti Nur Rohmah (Speaker R) and Siti Nur Jannah (Speaker J) The conversation among Speaker U (meeting moderator), Speaker R (the candidate of graduate student) and Speaker J (the candidate of graduate student) in such a formal meeting, they talk going on for happy family, such as its requirements, characteristics, problems happened, solutions and all-around happy family. 1) U : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 1) R : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 1) J : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 2) U : Good morning ladies 2) R : Good morning lady 2) J : Good morning lady 3) U : Ehm… first of all, we would say to Allah who has given us mercy and blessing so we can meet together in this formal meeting. Then, in this formal meeting I’m Ulfa Nur Khasanah as a moderator and I would like to introduce two resources persons, there are Mrs. Siti Nur Jannah and Mrs. Siti Nur Rahmah. The purpose of today’s meeting is to discuss about “Happy Family.” I would like to make a view considering about happy family, as we know that marry is easy, but build up a happy family is a hard job. It is the love for our life, most of people regulate the happy family from successful their family. I would like to give the floor to Mrs. Rahmah. 3) R : Thank you Mrs. Ulfa, I would now like to concern to the problem of how to maintain the happy family, and I think how to maintain the happy family is needed our tricks and tips, there are; 1), honest of our husband or our wife, number 2) is em… discuss about the problem that happen in our family and 3), hear what our husband and our wife share, number 4), say I love you or I miss you to our wife or our husband minimum once a day, 5), keep hear about privacy and six is give free time to go to anywhere with our husband or our wife without their children. 4) U : Thank you Mrs. Rahmah, eh…. Mrs. Jannah I think you know something about this problem. 3) J : Och.. thank you Mrs. Ulfa, OK in this case, I will give an example, in this particular life to illustrate this is consider on example, happy family usually consist of father, mother and their children, they spend free time to share about technology, or discuss about the problem that happen in their family, and a comfort talk is good or important who living at the rest after they do activity a daily is like school and work. 5) U : OK thank you for Mrs. Jannah, eh… to Mrs. Rahmah, what’s your opinion about a happy family? I wonder if you would like to comment Mrs. Rahmah, I think you have to a make a point in this discussion. 4) R : OK Mrs. Ulfa, I would give you an opinion, happy family is started from marriage and it’s based on life and create the happy family is hard work, and all people in this world may want to create the happy family and to get a happy family we must based on the love, comfortable, honest, loyalty, etc. with our husband or our wife. 6) U : OK I would like to give summary in this page, if I may choose to over the main point, there is so far the happy family is consist of father, mother and children, and happy family is built up by love, honest, loyalty and the other. 5) R : Ok, I agree entirely with your point of view. 4) J : I respect with your opinion, however, what is your opinion about grandma and grandpa? 6) R : May I interrupt you for a moment? I think that grandpa and grandma don’t include in one family after their child is getting marry. 7) U : How I can get deep talk? I ask to think one family just consists of father, mother and children, so grandfather and grandmother didn’t include to one family. 5) J : I will comment in this case, I wonder if I could comment on that last point? After marriage, a couple husband and wife should move from father’s house, they must be in pair. 8) U : Ok, Mrs. Rahmah you would come back to our discussion. 7) R : Perhaps I could resume the concept of happy family not only man, material or money, but also depend of the quality of generous. 9) U : Ok, thank you for your explanation. I think mrs. Jannah you have something about this discussion. 6) J : With respect… your explanation, I should like to…. The point of making the new concept that education will influence the happy family, because intellectuality brings out high intelligence, so with high intelligence we could reach a good job and get enough salary to increase level of economic. 8) R : Would I be correct in saying that with high intelligence someone showed rationality and have been proposed the future life for responsibility to happy family? 10) U: I’m sorry Mrs. Rahmah, I didn’t quite follow what you said about relationship between high intelligence with responsibility. 9) R : I’m afraid there seems to have been a slight misunderstanding. (Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear. Basically, what I’m trying to say is a smart couple would do more, that means he would work hard to complete the needs about the happy family. 11) U: Ok, have you taken into account the Indonesian families are able to reach the happy family, Mrs. Jannah? 7) J : Ok, I’m sure that family are able, because they will life can’t look outside but it looks inside in heart, cause maybe can’t calculate the material. 10) R: I strongly recommend that, happy family must build up the harmonious family not just to get much money. 12) U: I totally agree with that statement. 8) J : I’m afraid I can’t support the proposal. Because in fact, love goes well with money or material. 11) R: Yach… let us consider, for example; to pick a happy family they can spend their time to go to somewhere, an at other time they spend their time to do something together is like cooking and cleaning house, etc. and I persuade their togetherness is important to their family. 13) U: Mrs. Jannah, do you have any opinion? 9) J : Ok, thank you Mrs. Ulfa, I think your concepts are clear, and I hope every family has free time to make an harmonious family. 14) U: Ok, I would like to make a conclusion, personally the happy family has many perspective, 1) have free time, 2) love and money, 3) togetherness, 4) high education, 5) comfortable, 6) honesty, 7) one family just consist of father, mother and children not more, because it’s a big family unity. Ok, I think the result of meeting has got, thank you ladies for your coming and attention. And Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb …. 12) R: Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 10) J : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. FACEBOOK Lina (Speaker L), Affandy (Speaker F) and Azhar (Speaker Z) The conversation among Speaker L (meeting moderator), Speaker F (Islamic boarding house graduate student) and Speaker Z (Islamic university student) in such a formal meeting, they are talking about controversy of using Facebook occurred to most of teenagers in Indonesia, especially for Indonesian Islamic students. 1) L : Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb 1) F : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 1) Z : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 2) L : Eh… in this time we will discuss about facebook. and beside of my left there are two resource persons, in the middle there is Mr. Affandy, hello Mr. Affandy, how are you? 2) F : Hello, I’m fine Alhamdulillah.. 3) L : Thank you, and the other one is Mr. Azhar, Mr. Azhar how are you today? 2) Z : I’m fine too 4) L : Ok, e… as we know that facebook is social utility that connect people with friends and other who work, study and life around them. Now so many people talk about facebook is good but has many dangerous, next I will give tend to Mr. Affandy to present about problem of facebook. Mr. Affandy, I would like to hear your views about the problem. 3) F : Ok, thank you miss Lina, I would like to make comment on the problem of facebook, the birth of social networking phenomena has seen a shift in the way that many people browse the web, and especially is the way the people interact socially, facebook is even changed the way that people can interact offline with many social event being organized socially talk the web. facebook is the top ranked sites in Indonesia, head of sites Yahoo and Google, interestingly 79% of facebookers feel that using this page does not affect the quality of their work. 3) Z : May I interrupt you for a moment? 5) L : I think Mr. Azhar would like to make a point. 4) Z : I wonder if I could comment on the last opinion. In my opinion, I think the impact of male and female students is not good, I stay can of faulty with each other, this is my lead to a boy friend or girlfriend relationship as they’re able to chat as well as so their picture online to everyone. But the bad effect of facebook is my lead to students by unproductive in their studying seen caused by chatting and exacting photo. 4) F : It’s seem to me that in application always like that, but facebook also give positive effect to student, for example the student can share with their friends about the lesson in the school. 5) Z : If I could say a word about facebook, Majelis Ulama Indonesia said that facebook is haram. 6) L : Allow me to give the floor to mr. Affandy 5) F : I’m afraid I can’t agree with you, I see fatwa haram of facebook by Majelis Ulama Indonesia is not best, this fatwa is not realistic. Ulama should show the appropriate position, because facebook also provides a positive impact. 6) Z : If I’ve understood you correctly; you’re saying that fatwa haram of facebook by MUI is not best? But, in my opinion facebookers use it to gossip and send the scan image in cyber space, so I read more negative than positive effect for facebook. 6) F : I respect your opinion, Of course, however facebook is best in rules, for example; if facebook users display photos from chest up maybe, then may they change immediately close it, so in a way facebook already has his own filter, and then there are many auto-social networking sites, such as, Friendster or My Space maybe, and it is like that the same secular prohibit the use of internet in Indonesia. 7) Z : I’m afraid I’m not quite clear what you mean by that. (Could you go over it again, please?) 7) L : Perhaps Mr. Affandy would you had to comment that? 7) F : In my opinion, we not only see the negative impact of facebook, but also we can see the positive impact. 8) L : Mr. Azhar would you had to comment that? 8) Z : I’m sorry, I didn’t quite follow what you said, what exactly do you mean? 8) F : I see you haven’t understood me, facebookers give a numerous voice that the attitude deported Majelis Ulama Indonesia is facebook will unlawful, I disagree that playing facebook practically forbidden, because I see facebook is more good than harm. 9) L : I think Mr. Affandy is right. Would you had to comment, Mr. Azhar? 9) Z : Could you give us some details about the last point? 9) F : Simply, now the facebook phenomena is booming, but if facebook is forbidden access, what about social networking sites? If need want forbidden, why it begin? If facebook closed, they could still switch to other social networking sites. I have never found the fact and data that revealed the impact of facebook bussed for cover sexual activity, the impact of bad I often hear is forget the type, and I see it is still reasonable by anything if we cannot limit, the negative impact will be. 10) L : Ok, to summary I think facebook has positive and negative impact, facebookers are still school be careful more often you use facebook the rest time you learn and more active the subjects. If you are a facebooker, you are always wanted to know the status reported by your friends. Best of all enjoyment fun rhythm of just present photos of friend and to get a comment, because you want to make a swear someone in your network or reading your writing is so your time consent. Finally, you may be stimulated to write this thing not important read the title things and also not smart thinking. Facebook has positive and negative impact; activities in the virtual world to required interest some between men and women. And the depend on each perspective control instead we stay who over says the virtual world just him and could, we must take the positive in facebook and throw the negative. Ok, thanks for your attention in this meeting, see you in the next meeting. Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb. 10) F : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb. 10) Z : Wa’alaikum salam Wr. Wb.


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