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Pragmatics Analysis in the Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings (Proposal)

Pragmatics Analysis in the Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings (Descriptive Study of Interpersonal Meaning within the Students’ Conversation Videos of Speaking IV Major in the Academic Year of 2009-2010) A. INTRODUCTION 1. Background of the Study You want to have the appropriate sentences in your meetings, when you are going to present your argument and opinion, show you are agreeing or disagreeing, interrupt and question someone, want to clarify something, tell the purpose of your conversation, persuade, show your importance and certainty, or compromise anything? And if there is a sentence “Has it occurred to you that......?” You will not know what the speaker means directly, you need to see what excatly the speaker’s interpersonal meaning to hearer. For instance; you have to know the meaning through its speech acts, the perlocution, locution, illocution, direct or indirect conversation, proposition, conversational implicature and its felicity condition. That is why you need to learn pragmatics. Essentially, there are many definitions of pragmatics, such as the pragmatics works for delivering through utterances and the meaning, or several definitions stated by George Yule in the book translated by Indah Fajar Wahyuni entitled “Pragmatik” defines that pragmatics is the study of what the speaker means (Yule, 2006, p.3), the study of contextual meaning, the study of the way to understand more than talk, and the study of utterance from the distance of relation (Yule, 2006, p.4). Meanwhile, lots of businessmen, professional staffs, lecturers and other peoples who have used English as a means to communicate, to extend self-expression and (for integration) to organize the social control (Keraf, 1984, p.4) in their meetings, conversations or any communications. Yet it does not guarantee enough for you to be able to speak and deliver your sense and purpose directly and well. In this paper, the researcher is going to give you the best way to understand the theory of speaker’s interpersonal meaning within the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings. Because of English for conversation have the certain patterns and characteristics; therefore this paper tries to guide you to be effective and efficient in leading or taking the role in any conversations (meeting). 2. Limitation of the Problem The researcher would like to limit the scope of the problems to the following study in order to avoid misinterpretation of the problems; from the research entitled “Pragmatics analysis in the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings,” the researcher is going to describe and identify the interpersonal meaning found in the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. What follows are the types of interpersonal meaning which the researcher is going to be concern and will may be founded in the students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major: a. Speech acts b. Perlocutions and illocutions c. Felicity conditions d. Direct and indirect illocutions e. Proposition and illocutions f. Conversational implicature. 3. Statement of the Problem Based on the background of the study, the researcher formulates the problems as follows: a. What is (are) the kind(s) of interpersonal meaning found in the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010? b. Does the theory of interpersonal meaning have benefit(s) to the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation)? c. How is the English-speaking conversation effective and efficient in taking the role? 4. Objective of the Study As many people know that finding the research about pragmatics analysis is not easy for the academic workers, especially for English students who will face the graduation. Therefore this research project tries to give little bit description toward English academic workers and other persons who need it. Found in the background of the study and statement of the problem; the researcher determines: a. The research project is made to know the kind(s) of interpersonal meaning found in the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. b. Worked as the proof to see that the theory of interpersonal meaning is useful to the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation) or not. c. In order for the English academic workers are able to know how the English-speaking conversation is effective and efficient in taking the role. 5. Benefit of the Study This research project is expected to be useful for: a. Academic benefits This paper is expected to be new information that delivers the contribution for English academic workers or lecturers, especially for linguistic lecturers in developing the material related with pragmatics major and other linguistic fields. Or as the useful reference for students who is doing the graduating paper preparation about pragmatics. The researcher and further students are able to use this paper as an additional source to widen the knowledge about pragmatics study particularly in interpersonal meaning scope; the readers moreover are going to recognize the differences of each type of interpersonal meaning and to understand the application as well as the benefits. b. Practical benefits The paper is aimed in order to give the opportunity for students or other researchers to be more active for making the advance researches related with this subject (pragmatics), because of little in quantity, thus kind of researches are still much needed while looking for a single pragmatics research is quite difficult currently. As the benefits for lectures, students and everyone that using this research makes them are able to understand the essential of interpersonal meaning within their conversation, practically they are going to communicate each other well; be smart to place themselves in communication contextually. In addition, they understand the good way to lead the meeting, and finally they can take the role inside. B. RESEARCH REVIEW 1. Description of Theory To keep away from the different comprehensions, and giving the clear descriptions about the term of theoretic, as a result the explanation about it is needed in this research. a. Pragmatics analysis In this term of study we are going to give attention only to pragmatics analysis especially in interpersonal meaning (Hurford & Heasley, 1983, p.232) examples that will may be founded on effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings or conversations, such as; speech acts, perlocutions and illocutions, felicity conditions, direct and indirect illocutions, proposition and illocutions, then conversational implicature as the main concerns. b. Effective and efficient role-taking According to Malcolm Goodale in the book entitled “Effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meetings” informs that the purpose is to guide or conduct the readers in order to know how to be effective and efficient in leading or taking the role in English-speaking meetings (Goodale, 1995, p.5). And this paper, the researcher would like to widen the scope of study in this issue with analyzing the interpersonal meaning found in the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. c. English-speaking meetings Speaking skill needs some certain abilities, and thus certain abilities are vocabulary mastery, grammar mastery, braveness to start the conversation, practices of speaking consistently, speak clearly and all of them are related with each other for launching the English-speaking (Suparman, 2001, p.i). English-speaking meetings as mentioned above are meant in general meaning, thus are any conversations established in the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. 2. Literature Review The researcher takes review of related literature from other graduating papers as the principles or comparisons with this research. The first one has been done by Septi Wulandari (2006) entitled A SOCIOLINGUISTIC ANALYSIS OF POLITENESS IN ADDRESS TERM USED IN TITANIC MOVIE MANUSCRIPT. She has analyzed the possible Politeness Principle (PP) examples established in that movie manuscript. The second one is A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF REGISTERS FOUND IN SPOKEN AND WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (SEMANTIC ANALYSIS) by Nurul Hidayah (2005). This is one of graduating paper examples that guide me to learn more about a descrptive study. And the last one is a graduating paper about sociolinguistics written by Henny Widhi Astuti (2010) entitled A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF CODE MIXING AND CODE SWITCHING USED IN ANDREA HIRATA’S NOVEL ENTITLED MARYAMAH KARPOV. She has helped me to compose my research design (proposal), because her graduating paper has the similar type of research with my research project. As the related graduating papers mentioned above, there is little bit difficulty for researcher seeing the pragmatics research examples, however he is sure that all of related literature papers above have been able to be appropriate references for designing this research project and completely making the report. 3. Hypothesis Sumardi Suryabrata said in his book Metodologi Penelitian that, hypothesis is impermanent answer for the problems of research and must be tested again empirically (Suryabrata, 2003, p.21). As well Suharsimi Arikunto determined also in the book Prosedur Penelitian, hypothesis is the temporary answer towards the research problems (Arikunto, 2006, p.71). Therefore, the researcher is able to give the hypothesis as follow: a. The readers are going to see several kinds of interpersonal meaning within the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. b. The theory of interpersonal meaning is very useful to be applied for the effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation). C. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. Research Approach The qualitative approach is a suitable method to discuss this research because the theories mentioned above support this approach. The process of doing qualitative research presents a challenge because procedures of organizing images are ill-defined and rely on processes of inference, insight, logic, and luck, and eventually, with creativity and hard work, the results emerge as a coherent whole (Morse, 1994, p.1). Moleong said also that Qualitative research is a research of which data in the forms of written or oral word are descriptively analyzed (Moleong, 2007, p.6), even this research is the research which uses scientific background to interpret the phenomenon which happened and the research have involve others method (Moleong, 2007, p.5). The methods of qualitative research usually use interview, observation, and documentation. In other word, the analyses in qualitative research concern in understanding the result of found data rather than calculate the result of found data. And associated to this research, the researcher uses descriptive study to accumulate lots of data concerning with supporting factors, and then followed by analys thus factors for finding the role in a case (Arikunto, 2006, p.108). Its purpose is to describe what actually happens to procedures about method, which are useful in research. And finally, this approach will be used as a guidance to conduct the research from the beginning until the end of work. 2. Research Subject The object of this research is the interpersonal meaning within the State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) of Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010, and here are the details: a. Speech acts b. Perlocutions and illocutions c. Felicity conditions d. Direct and indirect illocutions e. Proposition and illocutions f. Conversational implicature 3. Source of Data The main sources of data in this research are going to be taken from: a. The STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. b. Several supporting relevant book references. 4. Technique of Collecting Data a. Finding Data The researcher seeks the data from the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010, and several relevant book references, for instance the main books entitled “Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings” by Malcolm Goodale or the book from Drs. Suparman, SS. “Guided Speaking: Practical Guide to Speak English.” b. Data Listing After finding data, the researcher lists them based on the types of interpersonal meaning. This technique intended for applied in order to be easy for he classifies the data. c. Data Classification The researcher uses the list of data for classifying them according to the types of interpersonal meaning in pragmatics analysis. 5. Data Analysis The method of data analysis based on lexical pragmatics approach. Steps of analyzing the data are presented as follows: a. The researcher lists the data which found in the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010, and several relevant book references. b. The researcher analyzes the list of data derived from the types of interpersonal meaning in pragmatics analysis. 6. Graduating Paper Outlines The report of research or the graduating paper is going to be presented structurally as follows: Chapter I: INTRODUCTION consists of background of the problem, limitation of the problem, statement of the problem, objective of the study, benefit of the study, description of theoretic, literature review, hypothesis, research methodology and graduating paper organization. Chapter II: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK consists of personality dimension of interpersonal meaning theory, the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010 review and the implication of pragmatics analysis in effective and efficient role-taking in English-speaking meeting (conversation). Chapter III: RESEARCH REPORT AND DATA PRESENTATION consists of the general description of the STAIN Salatiga students’ conversation videos of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010, the list of interpersonal meaning types’ clarification, and the students of Speaking IV major in the academic year of 2009-2010. Chapter IV: DATA ANALYSIS consists of variables of research, data presentation, and final analysis. Chapter V: CLOSURE consists of conclusion and suggestion. And the last part is bibliography and appendix BIBLIOGRAPHIES Arikunto, Suharsimi, Prof., Dr., Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2006 Goodale, Malcolm, Effective and Efficient Role-Taking in English-Speaking Meetings, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, Jakarta, 1995 Hurford, James R. and Heasley, Brendan, Semantics: a coursebook, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1983 Yule, George, Pragmatik, Pustaka Pelajar, Yogyakarta, 2006 Keraf, Gorys, Komposisi, Sebuah Pengantar Kemahiran Berbahasa, Nusa Indah, Flores, 1984 Suparman, Drs., SS., Guided Speaking: Practical Guide to speak English, UII Press, Jogjakarta, 2001 Morse, Janice M., Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods, Sage Publications, Inc., California, 1994 Suryabrata, Sumardi, Metodologi Penelitian, PT. RajaGrafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2003 Moleong, Lexy J., Prof., Dr., M.A., Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, PT. Remaja Rosdakarya, Bandung, 2007


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