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Tips for Newcomers to USA


Tips for Newcomers to USA

It’s helpful to know how American typically will be. Otherwise you will start feeling, These people are great dramatists …….”, etc. here are some useful tips:

1.      Adjust with the Americans.
Americans are very friendly and helpful.
They don’t make you feel like a foreigner.
It’s very easy to adjust with them. But they don’t like people getting inquisitive or trying to get too personal in the initial phase of the acquaintance.
They dress casually and nobody bothers which dress you wear.
They are fun-loving creatures and enjoy their free time. Most of them like to keep themselves physically fit by regular outings, hiking, exercise, biking, joking, etc.
They love the outdoor and natural surroundings. They look forward to weekends and plan their weekend activities in advance. This usually consists of some outdoor activities.

2.      Try to be frank about opinions.
Americans are frank about their opinions.
They respect individual views and follow everyone to voice their own ideas on subject.
They need a lot of feedback while talking. You have to acknowledge/nod continuously. Otherwise, they will feel you are not interested in listening or are confused.
They gesture a lot and shoot some funny phrases at you.
It’s a matter of “getting used to it”.

3.      Don’t skip in a line.
Americans have a lot of patience. Especially when standing in line or while driving, nobody will try to jump before you in line. Most of them are very disciplined drivers.
However this differs from State to State.

4.      Always say “Excuse me” in certain events.
If they happen to come in your way or you happen to come in their way, you will promptly hear an “Excuse me” or “Excuse us”.

5.      Don’t underestimate their customs.
They are very “proud” of their country. To them, the universe is the United States. So never ever make fun or speak lightly about them or tell them that they do not have any social/cultural background. You will make more American friends that way.

Sudarwati, Th. M. and Eudia Grace. 2005. [Look Ahead 1] An English Course for Senior High School Students Year X. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga. Page 20


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